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antifa fires 2 shots at citizen in truck just before driving away.

Published on 02 Jul 2020 / In News & Politics

provo utah.
probably the most peacful city in all america. out of state rioters trying to insite race war.

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KEEPER 5 years ago  

2 gun shots just before the driver gunned it out of there.

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ShadowMonk 5 years ago

When it comes to gun control against conservatives, It’s absolute outrageous hypocrisy, After all they are the deep state’s foot soldiers and the dems take away our guns and try to dismantle the police just so that they can support antifa.

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KEEPER 5 years ago

@Shadow Monk: so there's a youtuber by the name of tim pool who came up with the idea that antifa and blm allies are really just white supremacists masquerading as the allies of blm, because they often use kkk tactics where ever they go. this idea does hold some credence in many of these protests when they end up in killing ppl. the kkk really really want a race war, and to do this in the most effective way possible, they must pretend to be on the side of blm and antifa. because when the race war actually does start and white ppl decide they have had enough death being blamed for their ancestors sins, they will cause genocide of the black race. now i don't fall into any of these groups, but when looking at all this from the perspective of population numbers between races that's when it all ends. and the only way to stop it, well it's too late now, but the way they could have stopped it was to not allow any white ppl in their protests, a lot of the kkk blend in with the liberals and antifa as well with blm. and the media helps in keeping ppl angry on these matters. i'm pretty sure that race war is on it's way. and it doesn't matter how much i don't want it because these ppl infiltrated and made way to create this chaos.

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@Shadow Monk: I said this along time ago, screw legality. Go on the dark web to by guns. Legality just means with the government's permission and this fuckers are getting the governments permission to kill peaceful sovereigns.

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I bet you worth anything that the dark web is going to have a massive amount of gun sales for protection.

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KEEPER 5 years ago

If ppl know how to use the dark web properly I agree.

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teddybearmgtow 5 years ago

Impeding the flow of traffic and/or rushing a guy in a vehicle is an unlawful detainment. They are NOT the police and have no business doing what they are doing. It's time for someone to open fire on protestors with a machine gun if they are doing this.

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