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Antisemitism And Patriarchy Theory

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Published on 15 Feb 2020 / In People & Blogs

This video was originally made in 2017 and was removed from YouTube. Just uploading it for since the Bitchute version doesn't seem to be loading.

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Intro/Outro Music: "Fling My Turds" by Red Pill Chemist
Background Music: I Have a Little Dreidel (Instrumental) by E's Jammy Jams. Courtesy of the YouTube Audio Library.

Monkey Image: "Male chimpanzee in business clothes - Stock image" by Lise Gagne. Licensed from Getty Images.

Visualizations created in Winamp and OBS

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HairAcross 5 years ago

victim mentality will never be eliminated

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KEEPER 5 years ago

how to get the full catologe of the TFM show on mp3 format on Android.

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TerDer 5 years ago

The way White Nationalists speak, you'd think white people have no agency. It's somehow not white people's fault that they empowered their women and exported female empowerment all across the world, or how they spent the first half of the 20th century killing each other in the millions in two major world wars, or decided that importing brown people to prop up their collapsing welfare state was better than simply letting it collapse and be fiscally responsible. No, it's all the Jews. Then when a black person bring up how policies and social programs ended up destroying their families and neighborhoods, white nationalists tell them it's their own fault for accepting them. Hypocrites.

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TheAnomalousHost 5 years ago

On the contrary, there is agency. But it requires knowing who your enemies are, and how to respond. This isn't to say white people don't share a portion of the blame. After all, they're the ones who gave in to going off the gold standard and making our finances based on what the Fed dictates (just ask Woodrow Wilson). Nor am I saying all Jews are bad, because they're not. But the elitest Jews are easily the biggest problem for the nation right now, easily. The problems won't disappear if they somehow get dealt with, there's still each of our own faults to deal with. But it would be a good start. Just as it would also be a good start to remove this power women have on society (one of the other problems, as TFM constantly mentions). That all said, my position isn't without evidence and merit: https://theanomaloushost.org/2....019/10/06/re-debunki

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TheAnomalousHost 5 years ago

The number of men in corporations and politics compared to women isn't all that relevant if they are primarily owned/financed/influenced/blackmailed by the Jews, which at the very least you admit are among the rich 1%. Goldman Sachs, Rothschild, they finance the campaigns of many of these politicians, have bought out many of these corporations (not to mention virtually all of the mainstream media). And you're telling me this is comparable to men and women, patriarchy and feminism, due to statistics regarding genders/races in these occupations? Their sex/race/gender is irrelevant if they answer to the rich world bank Jews. The comparable statistics you bring up don't mean a thing in that context.

There's is a statistic to follow when it comes to this Jewish conspiracy. Follow the money. See how they get their money (assuming it's not dark money, which likely comes from the world banks or Jewish corporations anyway), where it comes from, which organization is financing them, etc. Guarantee you George Soros (a Jew) and his Open Society Foundation is among a portion of them. Follow the money, not the sex.

Ironic how you call white nationalists who blame everything on jews is retarded and insane, considering all MGTOW members blame everything on women. Not so sure you can claim higher moral ground when doing that. Makes you come off as hypocritical at best.

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