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Apparently MEN are to Blame for Divorce!!

106 المشاهدات
نشرت في 27 Feb 2024 / في فيلم والرسوم المتحركة

Apparently MEN are to Blame for Divorce!!


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Jaygo منذ 1 عام

Chivalry = servitude. it comes from the orders of Knights. Knights are synonymous with servants.. look up the etymology.

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Richardteale منذ 1 عام

She says she's tired of the simping, we'll I'm tired of the way these women just get attention & funding for covering men's misery! If Pearly or any of her sisterhood really wanted to make a difference, I keep challenging them (but only get crickets) to go down to those divorce courts daily to protest the heck out of those God forsaken establishments, first for true equality where they want equal parental custody & ability for fathers, then more equality where women only take what they brought to the table when they divorce rape their husband's! We enlightened men know that'll never happen, as it's bye bye to child support & all the cash & prizes to set themselves up in their decline, while destroying him in his prime, plus further financial penalties preventing him finding love again, as we also know women only love the money, not the man who makes it!

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Shrike777 منذ 1 عام

Fuck this libtard. Grift elsewhere. Stay the fuck out of men's issues.
Shame on any men that listen to a women talking for and about you.

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ErickRendoza 204
ErickRendoza 204 منذ 1 عام

She has had men advocates on her channel who have a smaller you tube. I have listened to older women ran into one in their 90s who said women today could never survive if you put them back 80 yrs ago.

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Shrike777 منذ 1 عام

@ErickRendoza 204: I wonder if people underestimate a human's ability to adapt when there is no choice. You just watch pearl flip down the road. It will happen, mark my words.

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sbseed منذ 1 عام

what is with this "kind of" horse shit...
there is no "kind of", it is or it is not...

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sbseed منذ 1 عام

women decide to divorce men, mens fault... right...

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