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Appleby Fair - OUT OF TOWN with Jack Hargreaves - VHS to AVI/MP4 so excuse quality. !960's and 70's show.

Published on 15 Aug 2024 / In Film & Animation

Since I anounced I don't have many Bitch vid's left I've had messages for suggestions for MAN interest stuff? So here's a few idea's that came through. apparently you guys want other than women stuff things to do with Fishing, Hunting, Car's, Bikes , counbtry persiuts and even farming ? Well I've spent a couple of days up in my looft and empying units and found a lot of stuff I've now converted mainly from VHS ti AVI and MP4 and I will start to upload mainly when the womenist crap is finished. Here is just a Country or traditional short called "Out of Town" with an old guy named Jack Hargreaves, and as a kid I watched this show avidly, I have plenty of them so let me know if you reply what stuff you would like to see, I have plenty of it and so far have got a few Sub's as well. this particular show is a visit in the late 60's early 70's to Appleby Fair a large traditional Horse Sale show run by traveller's so if you like your horses there are so beautiful beast's to see here. some have asked for gun or weapon documentaries, yep got one or two I coulfd post. Railway/Road stuff, trucks Buses etc, but they are a bit specialist so I don't knoe w if you guys want that stuff/ let me know. I also have plenty of "True Crime" doc's about evil murderous Women I will post at some point. as I say if you comment let me know what YOU would like to see and I will see what I have in the line of MAN STUFF!

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mrghoster 7 months ago

In those days the fefail Sheeple were called Yew's today they are ME, me, me's"! lol! Maybe you guys should wear a block of colored wax, then if she accuses you of rape and the color doesn't match their is no case to answer to? lol!

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