Applying Female Nature Towards Demons
Published on 01 Jan 2021 / In
Film & Animation
Plz Remember to Love one another as brothers of this beloved community even if you dont agree with each other. Because we are in this together and is for the good of MGTOW.
Brotherhood is what we need as the foundation of the MGTOW community. Love&Cheers
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I think the big argument is certain meditations and prayers do not work against demonic entities, simply because they are normally vastly stronger than the normal human. At least in this form. It is said that when we spiritually mature, we are more poweful than they. That is why they seek to corrupt us now, because it thwarts that process
Nice to see your audio has improved, i am not sure exactly what you did. But you're going the right direction. :) Keep it up dude.
As to Hell being gynocentric: It is, and it isn't. Depends on where you go in Hell. You see, the realm is a very chaotic place. Even more so than Earth is by far. And due to this, that statement just doesn't apply to all of Hell. It would be like saying all humans believe in Communism. Obviously that's false, but some due. And a startling number in fact, but that's not all of humanity's view. Same with Hell, while some districts like Azmodeus are way more gynocentric. Other areas simply aren't due to differing populations of demonic beings and the master they serve.
Where am i getting this intel? Well, while i lack much of the updated terminology of spiritual stuff humans use.(Actually, i mostly fashion my own terms within the context of mostly the English language. Easier and less convoluted.) I actually have lots of experience on the other side compared to your average human. I'm an old soul, been around the block. Lol. Not sure what i would be classed as by humans though. I kind of cross lines from the looks of it, you could say.
I can speak freely of things, without worry over demonic interruption. 'Cause they can't really do shit to me, to put it bluntly. Though i refrain from sharing most my knowledge on the topic due to not feeling it would be heard and soaked in. What's the point in sharing data if the receiver of that data won't listen to it, right?
I am not sure how you would react to me posting this on your video. But i have been enjoying your content so far. Least on the spiritual stuff, it's interesting to hear someone else's point of view.
Also, succubi don't have the ability to suck my soul's energy. Namely because i can drain them faster than they me, IE the flow reverses and they wind up being the prey. Never pick a draining or drawing comp with a spiritual black hole. Lol.
I tend to avoid interacting with demonic beings though, not out of fear. But because i mostly can't be arsed. Lol.