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Are Female Teachers To Blame For The Collapse Of Civilization? - MGTOW

Published on 02 Jul 2023 / In People & Blogs

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from PJC and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, My question is as follows: Where I live we still have a radio station that plays "the best of the 70s, 80s, 90s, and today." Today has been going on for 23 years apparently. In the 20th Century, every decade seemed well defined by distinct changes in hairstyles, clothes, music, technology, and culture in general. It feels to me like nothing has changed since 2008 with the advent of Bitcoin, the iPhone, and Youtube. The internet is faster, my television is thinner, and my phone is more sophisticated than my first generation iPhone, but the hairstyles, clothes, even the slang is still the same. Any idea as to why culture just seems to be stuck? We're not advancing - we're just existing, with occasional blips of progress like self driving cars, and depending on who you talk to, maybe we're regressing just a bit." Well PJC the decline of western culture and the stagnation or lack of innovation is due to many things. There are many reasons we are stuck. First of all artists are struggling to survive gentrification and higher cost of living in the west. Many moved to smaller rural towns for a while to escape higher costs of rent but now the price of food and gas is hitting them hard as well. They don't make much money from their creativity but drive change in music, literature, art, fashion and hair styles. So if they are increasingly struggling to survive many have to take regular jobs and their creativity takes a back seat. The population is also aging out in western countries and it's younger people that are the innovators. Then you have woke culture and identity politics which have been on the rise over the last ten to fifteen years. The majority of the disruptive creative types are usually white males and they are being purged from positions to make way for the puss. But besides those reasons yet another one is the education system. We need teach boys to think in pictures, patterns and abstractions. Those words are from the cover of a book by Temple Grandin. She says visual thinkers are not being properly educated and she visits various factories and sees that when the old guys running them retire there won't be anyone that thinks like them there to replace them. The object visualizer designs cars, buildings, new interface technologies and the imagines and builds the built environment around us. If you don't train them then you won't get well designed objects in your civilization. So who is to blame for that? I blame the edumacation system that's heavily gynocentric and where the majority of teachers are twatsickles. Temple Grandin says that schools are not producing visual thinkers. Only verbal thinkers. Women are more verbal thinkers so they are prospering in education and the economy while visual thinkers, mostly males are suffering. Also innovation takes sacrifice and doesn't pay very well. It's a high risk high reward strategy and we are in a soyciety that values safety over freedom. You need not look any further than covid to see that in action. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Moneyline Investments:

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Cign1962 2 years ago

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HERE ————->>

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anonmachina 2 years ago

Upon seeing the thumbnail, Van Halen's, 'I'm Hot For Teacher', began playing in my mind.

Next-Up, Twisted Sister's, 'We're Not Gonna Take It!'.

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WMHarrison94 2 years ago

Oh Sandman, I meant to also tell you: The Creatives are out there... I got caught up in my thoughts below... Anyway, some hang out on Kickstarter and IndieGoGo (both dotcoms) and unfortunately "regulated." Since they both started shadow banner Comics Gate (CG), we are moving around to independently own sites like Eric July's Isom, Backerkit (the technology behind Kickstart and IGG), Fund My Comic, and a couple of others but those are the ones I know and GetHub for software engineers and programmers. I think it's important to keep artists funded: We are change or rather we define and the inspire that change. The Cultural War has deeper Spiritual War sown into it, but most I believe do not see it or its (fuck-- brain fart just lost my word on the tip of my tongue) inclination? implications? Implications will do-- sorry just woke up, still dehydrated. I support CG for two reason: I know artists and engineers (Kickstarter and IGG) need to be on life support for their ingenuity and innovations and I hope to join both AND ideas are the seeds. That is why they are silencing our voices-- soon it will be emotions (and porn) like in the movie Equilibrium. I hate as artists we give dystopian warnings, and these brain-deads use them are a checklist or roadmap. That is one of the main reasons I am holding back my art. I don't want to add more arsenal to them. Anyway, good day to you sir. This parallels Atlas Shrugged, which Ayn Rand tried to warn us about: Are you listening NOW gentlemen?

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WMHarrison94 2 years ago

The Futurist are there: I am one of them, but I am not working in industry. I am a writer, a novelist primarily, but I had had so many setbacks- all computers failing with two getting fried, LCD screens getting broken, stuck working long hours especially during the Plandemic when so many people were "sick," and just being generally exhausted just trying to afford food and rent, which keep rising. I grew up reading the magazines Popular Science, Popular Mechanics, Omni, The Futurist (at the public library), National Geographic (gone woke getting broke), obviously Playboy and Penthouse (until gays made it into it c. 1998) for "the content", and some other random history or science book, article, and magazine. Artistically, I always defined myself as a science fiction, fantasy, suspense, and recently historical (though more mythic) writer and essayist. I think the Powers That Be are destroying us: They are tearing down buildings with style and character, which inspires the human spirit and helps encourage the imagination and replacing them with ugly, sterile, nd "Communist" buildings that sink your soul depriving you of inspiration-- this is a highly active part on their part. Then, in Europe, they get Muslim refugees to burn down churches such as Notre Dame to cut at a nation's identity. This is all done by design. On the US, during our "Summer of Love," they and Soros paid "Communist loser" ie Burn Loot Murder and Anti-First Amendment to burn down our cultural icons in public spaces-- the statues of great men or accomplishers to silence them and limit their influence and eventually erase their names and deeds. This is how Mao took over China: However, there is one key difference: We in the West especially in the US ARE NOT SLAVES! Hence, the Great Society used to destroy good urban centers creating ghettos. These losers in our public office especially Demoncrats name things the opposite of what they perform. The Great Society used to destroy urban centers and wealth, not great but poor. "Progressives" used to instill slavery and hatred to "regress" back to more racial times because grifters need their race base jobs... you see this with feminism and feminazis, which is why most of us are here.

So, yeah: This is planned self-demolition. They have been trying to push us into Civil War 2.0 either based on race (failed multiple times), sexism (currently), class (ever since WW2), and others including religious cults (or fake Christian sects)-- historically the most used. However amazingly, our do noting Republicans have managed not to trip into war-- which is why the silencing is occurring and all problem resolution tactics before violence is being taken away. They want war because they know how to steal power in the fog of war. Then, once our power is stolen completely, we all will be slaves. Ingenuity and creativity hampers them. Thus, why this sole tactic may be our only salvation... God of Israel willingly, but the Book of Revelations exist for a reason, even though the Bible is nothing but a book filled with revelations. Well, this feels long and I lost my gym workout time: It closed. Home gym again with its limits I guess... Have a good one gentlemen, Take care and remember to enjoy Independence Day while we still have our independence and freedom.

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zdoctor 2 years ago

TOTALLY.......if whaman are teaching the generations to come this will explain why our civilization is imploding. .if whaman are unable to accept responsibility and accountability and they teach that mentality then every sheeple out there will just repeat what they have learned. .whaman are the back bone of hurt feelings....all men are toxic men......whaman are better......whaman are always right. and so much more. . as a culture or should i say the lack of culture is the execution of the average person whom which are the people keeping this globe we live in run. . as whaman ruin society we wont recover if we go to war. .men are going their own way and heres an article on 40 yr old men are not getting married. ....... . so article shows the steady decline. .we are getting close to a tipping point. .the more men walk away the more freedom we have on one hand but on the other we can lose all our freedom!!!!!

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