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Are Internet TVs Going Too Far

Published on 12 Oct 2024 / In Film & Animation


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That is why I don't bother with RING CAMERA BS and SO CALLED SEX AI they all want your data and kinks Fuck em all if it ain't free Fuck Thee \G/

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Fuckin idiots sending electric chainsaws to a town with no power fucking idiots

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I thought about that - and like this is as just a valid thing as a petrol powered chain saw..... I mean not sure of exactly how long the saws will run per charge.... AND they will be running off generators.... so clean up crews rotating the saws, 2 running and 4 on charge.... out the back of a pick up.. MAYBE these were the best that they could do at the time - there were no other chainsaws within 1000Km etc.. I have found that SOMETIMES - at face value, there can be a lot more to the issue, than the title or head line would imply...... Having a whole heap of rechargable chain saws, is a lot better than no chain saws....

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@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: I get what your saying and not the headline we both know not to give Government any respect as they are all fucking incompetent just as the guy in the video pointed out and they wouldn't have that problem if they had experienced men with gas powered chainsaws of their own and let them get on with looking after their own town themselves they would do a much better job. Giving the government the benefit of doubt rather than holding their incompetence accountable is saying the Australian Government never did any wrong to fuck over their Aussies and New Zealand Idiots didn't let a Lesbo Cunt Crash a $100M out at sea no they didn't and wouldn't do that. I was pointing out their stupidity and incompetence in the comment above. Take it easy \G/

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WMHarrison94 2 months ago

Apparently, it was because California outlawed small gas motors on like chainsaws and yard equipment... lawn mowers, weeders, Honda tobots, Mexicans, you know.

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WMHarrison94 2 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson:@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: Yeah, but could you atleast charge a solar "generator" or battery and maybe three batteries for the chainsaw and other eqipment so atleast something or somebody could work... oh yeah, they have A DIEversity hite for oversight... my bad.

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WMHarrison94 2 months ago

@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: Greta: "How dare you!" You know I never thought I would miss her pouty face... she looked better then than now! Ihm, PUSSY TAX Bro...

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@WMHarrison94: not sure of ALL the exact particulars, but they are CAT (catepillar) 60V Electric Chain Saws - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=13jCAlrfSsQ 2.8 Hp = ~2000W @ 70V = 45 minutes to an hour of run time ------------ ONE HUNDRED MINUTES recharge time on big battery. Charger (DG6C3) https://www.tractorsupply.com/....tsc/product/cat-60v- --------------- Charger - best stuff - 1 hour at 120V -- 350W page 4 https://www.tractorsupply.com/....tsc/product/cat-60v- ------ If your going to run this saw per 8 hour day people say you will need like 4 batteries ????? but mathematically say 45 minutes cutting time, and 100 minutes charging time on the 5A battery, you will need 1 battery in the unit and 2 others on charge .... that is 700W at 120V all the time.... THAT is a fair whack of solar panel power...... amongst the needs to share that power with everything else that needs it.

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WMHarrison94 2 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: The batteries can be charged on grid before deployment and then solar panels hooked to prolong the charge: BUTT, I think their "goal" is to kill Trump voters or remove them!! No town, no voting center, but if they died, they "vote" democrat er Demoncrat... if you only get 4hours of work instead of 8, "Sorry ma'am, our equipment stopped working..."

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@WMHarrison94: GRETA finally got arrested and sent to Jail now she is 18 and when everyone found out she turned 18 and not a minor they made AI photos of her working at HOOTERS with BIG TITS and many said HAHA they probably would have paid more attention to her then if she had those Big JUG MILKERS haha I WOULDNT I WOULD JUST MÖTÖRBÖAT THE FUCK OUT OF THEM HAHA \G/

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@WMHarrison94: Odysee are fags run by a Curry called CHANDRA. Fuck em and they censor the WORD FAG AND FAGGOTT so they can Burn In Hell, ID RATHER STICK WITH ACTUAL MGTOW MEN OVER HERE ON MGTOW TV and MGTOW MEN and Once AMR does the updates GOD ALMIGHTY LETS GO GODSPEED AND CALL EVERYONE A GLOWIE AND A FAGGOTT jk haha \G/

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WMHarrison94 2 months ago

I will admit... I wonder why the glowies glow? Was there a discount on glow in the dark condoms and all the faggots .. you know did faggy things to each other?! Guess the government bought them cheap. .

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@WMHarrison94: goverment loves to create Fags and start wars aka Control of everything so yeah not surprised they are weak and want to be control freaks with their fingers in all pies because you know they wanna make money off of sheeple as much as possible \G/

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WMHarrison94 2 months ago


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WMHarrison94 2 months ago

No. I do not buy things off ads anymore. Secondly, don't hook it up to the internet. Disenable the wireless and don't plug in a cat line.

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WMHarrison94 2 months ago

Damn... I missed this one. I'm starting to go back to watching him SWTL on Odysee... He's a good source...

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