Are You Getting the Vaccine?
47 Görünümler
yayınlandı 24 Aug 2021 / İçinde
Ciência e Tecnologia
This video packs a punch! Informative, concise, and entertaining when it comes to the experimental injection. Please watch and share.
**We found this video online but with no credits as to the creator/producer. If you know who is responsible for this little gem, please share that info with us so we can credit AND thank them!!
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Covid was never a Virus, it is the name of a massive long term Psy-Op to do with control? It's not Depopulation, it's not turning us into super humans or robot's to be controlled by tech, In fact it is not lot's of thing's? It is a mass delusion manipulation to fool people into control and a financial boost for corporations that cant seem to make money out of death and war anymore because they've bee rumbled on that on, so all that is left is the populations health? Make everyone ILL or at least scare them into thinking they are, and the coffer's will fill up very quickly. I know sounds cynical and that's because it is, this is the lazy way these bastards think, something for and from nothing? It is no different to the 3 cups and the Pea trick street magician's and scammers do, but just on a massive scale. I personally am immune to it all now and YOU can be by seeing it all for what it is "A SCAM" and ignoring it all.
If suddenly everyone who has had TWO shopts is expected to have a booster, then YOU will know it's a Scam? I have a Flu shot every Two years because my age makes me entitled to that. If I don't tsake it I'm not threatened with being banned from stores or locked in my home. And why in the first place does Covid have to have Two Vax shot's for a supposed illness that infects a " point one decimal" of the world population. I mean even the Dumb fuck sheeple are starting to yawn and wake up! lol! A booster will signify the death of Covid because there is no evidence I've read to suggest publicly it is needed? We are all being Scammed? Wake Up People!
I know no one who has had the jab that has had ANY type of reaction. I think a lot of these VAX are placebo's. when I was born way back in thr 50's we had the Polio Epidemic and people got sick and manufacturers were SUED. I think this who thing is leading to aMisselling frenzy in the future because someone is going to make a fortune out of others misery? You know that shit - Have you been miss sold this or that did you take part in this or that? Well you can claim compensation right now. so you get a few bucks and some Fat Cat rakes in massive profit's? that is what is going to happen, it's ALL one big Scam and I don't get Scammed.
Cant speak for America, but in the UK according to a couple of thing's I have read about Death's it is easy to see though not specifically mentioned that most of the deaths are maiunly FEFAIL's only a small minority are actually very old people and young deaths are almost nonexistent. to me this say's something? It kills the weak thus proving the fefail is the weaker sex and the elderly tend to have pre existing problems anyway due to age, that is natural. Vax or no Vax, the whole thing is a SCAM! people need to learn that.
I don't do FEAR myself, neither do I do anything to myself that other's especially Politician's and Scientist with vested financial interest tell me to do. I make my own well informed decisions. since this covid and now Vax thing reared its fake head I've had no symptom's or even a cold worth talking about.
We all Cough, sneeze even FART, and even that now in the UK anyway's is a spreader of Covid, having a FART can you believe it! lol! when is this fucking insanity going to stop? For mne it already has, I don't follow, listen or do anything regarding this CRAP, and I'm perfectly fine. If Say lockdown has had one effect on me, I'm now very cautious when going out to "AVOID FUCKING MORON's"!
I wouldn't even give it to my ex mother-in-law!
Well, maybe.
Msm swamp are lying fools.
"Never Vaxx!"