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Are You Going To Vote

Published on 01 Jul 2024 / In Film & Animation

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jim bennett
jim bennett 1 day ago

ya, I could skip the vote because Trump wasn't proactive during covid.. he dropped the ball.. but we could do much worse so Ima probly send him some money.. and will probably vote.. much of my hope for him is gone.. He should have made letting people come BACK from china with covid an issue.. and deported all the beners.. and then gave Americans all of the stimulus.. we got shortchanged and he had litrtle to say about it.. mitch mcconnell was our new pres at that time.. barf

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pirania 2 days ago

I vote for SoloMan !

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 2 days ago

I second that as he sounds like a really good guy

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pirania 2 days ago

@SoloMan Zone: I agree.

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Councilof1 2 days ago

All the political parties are paid by the same money group. No matter who gets power the same agenda seems to go forward. Needless to say I don't trust political parties or politicians. Plus I've read Hegel and understand the whole left/right paradigm, essentially thesis/antithesis/synthesis. I think voting serves the same purpose as a blow-off valve on a turbo/supercharged engine. Just because people are allowed to choose a new master every few years doesn't mean they aren't slave's. But yes I'm going to vote even though I think it's useless.

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 2 days ago

I least we tried is what I think

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James1225 5 2 days ago

If your vote mattered, the West wouldn’t let you, lol. The peasants are now considered antisocial and any espousal of truth an offense. Vote, a delusion of participation in the West. Anyhow, my battles are of the past, the clown world will get its desserts. Proust

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 2 days ago

I'm going through the motions

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 2 days ago

Thanks of green bottles

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James1225 2 days ago

@SoloMan Zone: 1st day of the month, bottoms up…

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 2 days ago

@James1225: "There were 43 green bottle sitting on the wall"

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 2 days ago

@SoloMan Zone: I'm glad I can't drink like I use to as couldn't afford it!

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