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Are You Okay With Dying Alone? - MGTOW

Published on 05 Jan 2021 / In People & Blogs

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- The MGTOW Book Collection

Are you guys okay with dying alone?

Downtown Container Park - Las Vegas

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Artur and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman, I’m leaving the topic up to you. Your content is always first class so whatever you want to cover. Thanks for helping all the men out there." Well Artur thanks for the donation. Well I was exploring reddit again for a topic and I found one called "Are you guys okay with dying alone?" by someone named BlackStreetXY and here's what he has to say: "So, I am almost 26 and an only child. My parents had me later in life so they are old right now. I have cousins, but most of them are aholes. I live in a city all by myself far away from family and friends. I have always been the hopeless romantic type thinking that I would have an awesome family of my own with a loving partner. That illusion is dead and it's dug 10 feet under and it's bones right now. The only thing that comes to my mind from time to time is the thought of “What do I do with my life until I die?”. And then the fear of dying alone sets in." unquote. so with that out of the way I put a link in the description to that reddit post. Before I discuss it further let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back to the video. In the case of BlackStreetXY he most likely took the red pill and marriage is no longer for him so now like so many guys he's dealing with and existential crisis because his life has no meaning and purpose. Men look for a purpose and the easiest one to understand and fall into is becoming a family man. It's suited to our biological imperative so it feels right. Going our own way is going against our biology and our hearts and instead following our minds. When we feel that life is pointless we focus on the fact that we are alive and that our lives will end one day and even though we have no reason for living we still don't want our lives to end. That leaves us vulnerable to women trying to convince us to go back to the plantation. Notice that it's always women that use the idea of dying alone as part of their shaming scheme when a man tells them he's going his own way. Meanwhile they are the ones that are going to die alone in a nursing home after nagging their husband to death because he's not trimming her bush correctly. Get your mind out of the gutter as I'm not referring to grey pube bush variety but the one in her front yard. He eventually falls off the roof and impales himself on the bush trimmers she accidentally left pointing at the sky a few moments earlier. Whoopsie. The idea is to find something worthy of giving your life to so your life can move forward so you stop obsessing with your mortality. All of us die. But not all of us truely live. Also a fate worse than death is chronic unrelenting pain. If you've ever experienced anything like that then you aren't afraid of dying. You welcome death. Ironically it's not until you welcome death that you don't really value life. It's at that moment in your life when you want to die due to physical pain that gives you the greatest gift you'll ever receive. But only if you get out of the pain somehow. That's when you really learn what matters in your life. That's when your regrets come flooding in.

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""
Christmas Tree Light Bokeh by ""

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lovegogglez 4 years ago

i saw where they are building camps to detain people for whatever reason in all Canadian provinces..? i think this guy should team up with friends and fight for freedom.. somehow... with everything closed, life in the world is trending to be very different than it was before C19

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SOLID_MGTOW_MONK 4 years ago

I think most men have learned to live with the reality, especially red pilled and MGTOW men.

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