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Are YOU responsible for ALL her cost on a vacation

Published on 04 Jul 2024 / In Travel & Events

If you fly a woman out and you cover all her expenses and entertainment, should she expect you to contribute to her hair, nails, and clothing for the trip that you invited her on? How many of you think it is a Mans responsibility to cover all her cost as well as incure the cost for the entire weeked together.

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Toki 8 months ago

She can live in the streets for all I care. More appropriate to say a pig pen.

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Toki 8 months ago

Funny you found one of two things here for the clickbait. Either it's AI and not a real human. Because black women rarely have good curves. However given the black woman mini-mustache I expect she's real. AI wouldn't give females shadow facial hair.
Then 30 or more minutes simping over a disgusting plastic clown show. Shaped like a buoy in the ocean or a teletubby. It doesn't look right in real life. At least the thumbnail had a good shape. Only waifus can have curves like that and make it look good. Then the tattoos. Ruins the entire feminine form most of the time. Certainly her tattoos are nasty. Then the hairline and hairhat. Just get a seksdoll if you want a fake "real" woman. All wrapped up with the manface because you can also tell she's made herself bald due to the whole weave hysteria. Black women have the absolute worst bone structure genes for females. The ironic part is a seksdoll will be more realistic. Also where's her face mask for Biden? Voting herself your tax dollars. Vile creature you shouldn't feature photos of her at all unless you're laughing at it. Certainly a clown image to laugh at if you ask me.
Stop thirsting for real women and embrace waifus. You could have a positive show instead of showcasing Instawhore's channels and giving them exposure. No worries here. I won't be looking for her channels. She would have to PAY ME to look at her internet lewds/nudes. But I will look up Mirko the chocolate bunny waifu on R34 or already added her to Honey Select. A chocolate female with proper curves, cute feminine face, and actual hair. Hair that is white/platinum instead of a random Asian woman's hair bought off a store shelf. Wouldn't it be more fun to talk for 30 minutes about how you want Mirko to crush your skull with her powerful bunnythighs? Instead of thirsting for a Kim K wannabe clown who isn't sexy at all. Real women are demons. Waifus are angels. The high IQ Asian men already cracked the most important scientific revelation to man. Creating a new female form that doesn't vote, get pregnant, act a fool, go into debt, abort babies, sabotage themselves with fake beauty products, or add more food inflation because of modern women's Gluttonous lifestyles.

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