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Armed Citizen Shoots Burglar Kicking In The Door In 'Safe Neighborhood' in Lake Forest Park , WA

Published on 07 Apr 2023 / In Film & Animation

Burglar Lake Forest Park Defensive Gun Use

It always confuses me when people say things like, "I thought I lived in a safe neighborhood this, shouldn't happen," because they don't realize that criminals prey on people's false sense of security.

On Wednesday afternoon, the Lake Forest Park Police Department reported that a resident of a home had shot and killed a burglar.

The police responded to a report of a burglary in progress at 1:35 p.m. on Wednesday. The burglar had forced entry into the home, which was occupied at the time, and was subsequently shot by the sole resident.

People think that just because a neighborhood looks nice and is quiet, it automatically makes it safe from criminals.

However, it is precisely because the neighborhood looks nice and is quiet that a criminal would want to break into homes in that area.

Another thing I want to point out is the time of day that this home invasion took place.

Contrary to what your intuition would tell you, most home invasions happen during the day. FBI burglary data in 2021 showed that 196,684 of all reported residential burglaries occurred during the daytime compared to 154,723 at night.

The reason for this is because criminals assume that most people will be off at work and not at home during the day.

So while you're sipping your coffee and taking a Skype meeting in a suit jacket and underwear, make sure you have your gun close by.

I also want to point out the fact that the homeowner called 911 before he shot the intruder.

This should be an eye-opener for anyone thinking that calling 911 is a magic solution. It is not.

He called them, but they couldn't get there fast enough to do anything. So, whether you like it or not, you are your own first responder.

Calling 911 is essentially a reporting system to cover yourself legally.

Because, as you can see in this case, they're still investigating.

If this had happened in Texas, there probably wouldn't be an investigation because we don't play with our castle doctrine in Texas.

However, not all states are built the same, so make sure you understand the self-defense laws and castle doctrine laws in your state because you could find yourself in a sticky legal situation otherwise.

One of the best ways to stay on top of the self-defense laws in your state is to become a member of USCCA. (https://www.mrcolionnoir.com/go/uscca/)

This will give you access to some of the best legal minds on the issue of self-defense while also providing you with access to self-defense insurance.

So, if you ever have to use your gun in self-defense, you won't have to stress about how to pay for or navigate possible legal issues.

That's why I choose to work with USCCA because you don't just get self-defense insurance; you get an entire support system of knowledge and training that I think is invaluable.

I think USCCA is the best, and they do offer my followers special FREE bonuses to become a member with a 365-day money-back guarantee.
➡️ https://www.mrcolionnoir.com/go/uscca/

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Villainous Jack
Villainous Jack 2 years ago

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I used to live near Lake Forest Park. I'd buy Papa Murphy's pizzas from Cici who ran the Lake Forest Park shop.
I left Washington when Seattle was set on fire nightly during the 2020 "Summer of Love" event.
Now, legislature is being passed to take away people's 2nd Amendment rights for misdemeanors.

They are disarming Washingtonians for DUIs, publicly displaying firearms, or non-domestic violence and harassment.

If you love Freedom, leave Washington State!

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Villainous Jack
Villainous Jack 2 years ago

After 23rd of July 2023, if you commit a crime, not a violation, you lose your 2nd Amendment rights in Washington state.

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Mr_Sluggo 2 years ago

I just love a story with a happy ending...Especially when it comes to a armed thug get ting his just deserts.

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