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Arnold Schwarzenegger Came Out As A Jewish Ballsucker

Published on 23 Feb 2025 / In Film & Animation


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somelameguy 1 month ago

The same guy who said "Screw your freedom."...
"Rising hate and antisemitism" ... either there's more leaked videos of Israeli soldiers killing kids and celebrating or... maybe less media protection?
"I toured Auschwitz, the Nazi concentration camp" ... why do they still call them concentration camps at all, too busy expecting laughing at the brainwashed goy who replace "concentration" with "death" so they don't have to lie?
"Where 1.1 million men women and children lost their lives" Arnold is a denier, Is he seriously saying 'the' most notorious and most referenced concentration camp filled with 'the' most evil and notorious Nazi's only managed 1.1 million? I'm pretty sure our history book in school and that hollywood movie said 3.3 million?
... children... like... babies and kids that couldn't work... why would they even make it to the train? They can't work and strategically the overhead of crying/screaming babies, much less care for them, problem solved... the next thing you'll tell me is that they had daycare for the kids and even schools and medical care?
"Most of them were ruthlessly murdered" Why did they wait until the camps, all that time effort and energy transporting people, watching them doesn't sound very efficient at all
"There are reminders everywhere of the horrors that happened there" swimming pool, the renovated showers with wooden doors that have none of the prussian blue staining from 'gas', the school, post office, medical facilities...

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The only thing better than a lie is exposing the liars...... Apparently JEWDOM is upshit creek for EVERYTHING....... They really are about to be exterminated...

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somelameguy 25 days ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: I don't think we should kill them; they have a frame of belief that covers 'Acceptable loss" of their own people... lets hit them where it would actually hurt; they can't hold or touch money nor anything that has monetary value, no stocks, no gold, no bitcoin, no WOW gold; if they work, they get an allowance that lets them live like a lower-middle class pleb (no matter what job they work), otherwise they get a fam that's large enough for sustance and have to actually work for a living and if they refuse to work and starve... "tragic"... and then we enforce all of the DEI and border policies they pushed on the US and Europe on their "holy land" we would still need to replace hollyweird and redistribute ownership of the media and eliminate "family court" without the constant lobbying after a few "tragic accidents" I think most of the courts will sort themselves out.

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@somelameguy: There are people who have crunched the numbers for killing and cremating assorted figures of people - the mythical JEW body count - and making this up... Say the camp exterminated 1,000,000 people in 4 years - that is 684 people a day, every day, for 4 years.... THAT is a lot of cremations per 24 hours - AND I think with the coal fired crematoriums (from memory) took 2 or 4 hours to burn a body to bones and ash... (someone did the numbers - the video is in my list somewhere) so that is 684 people a day, burning for say 4 hours for each body = 2700 hours a day..... so to get that all done in 24 hours, Your going to need 120 crematoriums running flat out... making this up - kind of - each body takes say 30 Kg of good black hard coal.... that is about 20,400 Kg of coal per day, every day for four years.... that is like 30,000 tons of good hard black coal... AND yet they are desperately short of munitions workers and only had I think 4 or 6 crematoriums on site... for legitimate age and disease related deaths....

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somelameguy 25 days ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: The "It's imposisble to bake that many cookies in that much time" has been around for a while... I think they were using coke, not coal, During wartime... diverting that much enegy would not be plausible, even ignoring the additional strain on transportation system which would directly impact military operations the cost also would be prohibitive. Countless traincars to move people in place, countless traincars to carry the coke/coal to cremate... vs one traincar full of 9mm. Not diverting countless security personnel, rations, medical personnel, medical supplies, ETC to babysit "workers"... where are the 'evil' levels of 'german efficiency'? The level of evil required to disparage such over the top efforts to be humane...

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@somelameguy: Yeah - well I am not exactly stupid and there is a REAL difference between being raised to be brainwashed, by the EXTREMELY ONE SIDED narrative and then through a process of "indirect" research, to come across a LOT of really interesting people who have been doing all the FACT and WITNESS based historical research.... And my own awareness on the subject, where the JEW LIES began to unravel - was the JEW STORIES about the horrendous starving and working to death, of all the V2 rocket builders inside the mountain factory - - that the rocket building required skilled builders, in an clear and focussed state of mind and in good health.... and the logistics of this kind of an operation that required trained staff, didn't lend it's self to working and starving them to death.... and constantly replacing them..... The story ( over all ) didn't add up. ---------- According to a 2011 BBC documentary,[6] the attacks from V-2s resulted in the deaths of an estimated 9,000 civilians and military personnel, while a further 12,000 laborers and concentration camp prisoners died as a result of their forced participation in the production of the weapons.[7] --------------- I think I came into this awareness 8 to 10 years ago..... And it sat there like an unlanced boil in the back of my mind..... I came across LOTS of credible research and then did my own discussion of how I had come into the bullshit in the lies the JEWS were telling: When the HOLO-HOAX lies of the JEWS began to Unravel - See the Pinned Play List. - - I put in links to the BBC bullshit story AND the more technical aspects of building the V2 rocket and it's guidance systems....

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ArgonRaysabre 1 month ago

aaaannndd here we go...

Ya know, to be god's allegedly "chosen people," they sure are a bunch of sensitive pussies. "Oh no, someone has an opinion about jews that doesn't fit the lamestream media's narrative! Antisemitism!" I'll say it again: Jews, American blacks, and women are the same to me. All each respective group does is try to silence anyone even slightly critical of their shitty behavior.

That's the mark of an abject loser.

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"If your picking on the JEWS, your picking on me. I'm not a loser - my mum said so!" ( Has green hair and pronouns and is a christian that the jews will just love )

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sbseed 1 month ago

oh look more spreading of the biggest lies...
and is it any surprise that arny is a jew puppet?!...

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He will suck your cock and rim your arse for free if you tell him your Jewish, other wise it's the regular price of a $1.

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ArgonRaysabre 1 month ago

Fuck Arnold anyway. He said "Fuck your freedom" during the whole Covid scamdemic. Piece of shit. Him, and all of the other celebrities and public officials who went around without masks and didn't take the gene-altering clot shot. I swear, TFM's impalement spike idea seems more and more justified every day.

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@ArgonRaysabre: "JEW - Cum into my Anus"

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