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Assassin's Creed Freedom Cry (The Movie)

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Published on 12 Feb 2022 / In Film & Animation

I actually tried to upload this movie a few days ago but I've been having a lot of trouble. This was actually my fourth attempt uploading this, lol. Enjoy!

As with all of my movies I try to edit it in a way that hides anything that makes it obvious you're watching a game, and the AC games are great in the sense that they allow you to disable most of the HUD, but there are some things you can't display, like the constant mission objectives for example, and also the saving/loading indicators. Those in particular annoy me in this game because the game appears to save every 10-15 seconds, often saving multiple times in the same cutscene for no apparent reason. I really wish developers would get rid of those. People know not to just pull the power cord from our consoles, and even then, you could just put a warning at the beginning of the game. Thankfully most of them I was able to edit out with editing or visual effects, but not all. There were also button prompts in one scene I was unable to cut out, but other than that most of the "game indicators" are gone.

A lot of people have been asking me about the upcoming Assassin's Creed games Unity and Rogue. I can say for certain that I will be doing a Unity movie. However, I'm not currently guaranteeing Rogue. I *will* be getting Rogue after Unity, and if I like the story, I will make a movie from it, which is probably very likely, but for now, I will be focusing on Unity.

As for *when* I will be releasing my Unity movie, that's tricky. No it will not be out right after the game releases. First of all, I want to play the game for myself to just enjoy it without having to worry about all the things that go along with making a movie. Then, I want to complete as many of the trophies as I can, getting the platinum if possible. After that I want to make sure the game isn't selling near the top of the charts anymore, just to make sure most people who want to play the game play it before seeing my movie, rather than watching my movie instead and potentially impacting sales. As always, the movies I make are based on some of my favorite games, and if you enjoy my movies, I highly recommend buying the games and supporting the developers. If you look at my AC4 movie, it came out in January 2014 after the game came out in November, so that might be a good estimate, but I can't guarantee any date.

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KEEPER 3 years ago  
KEEPER 3 years ago

Somehow I forgot this one.

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