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Assassin's Creed: Revelations (The Movie)

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Published on 12 Feb 2022 / In Film & Animation

This movie turned out longer than I expected. I believe this game is actually the shortest Assassin's Creed game, but it's got a lot to its story. A lot more than I initially realized when playing it. Originally I felt like the game was filler since technically you can skip it and still completely understand what's going on in AC3, but after watching it in one sitting it's really got a great story that shouldn't be missed.

I make these movies based on games for a few reasons. One is so that I can show these stories to people who don't play video games at all. This way they can enjoy the story without having to learn how to play. I also create these movies for people who may have been interested in the story, but didn't get the game for one reason or another. Then I also do these for fans like myself who may want to relive the story, but may not have the time or patience to play through the entire game again, to be able to relive the entire story in a single sitting is an experience rare to games.

The way I do this is I focus on cutscenes primarily. The cutscenes are the primary drivers of the story, but if you only edit together the cutscenes, you're missing a lot, so to get the whole story you have to include some gameplay. However, because there is a big difference between video games and movies, I want to include as little of gameplay as I'm able to do without causing plot holes, and while keeping a good pacing/continuity. I also disable as many aspects of the game that show it off as a game, such as the hud, any button prompts, chapter titles, etc. It's not possible to remove all of these entirely, but I do my best.

I will continue doing these and will be doing Assassin's Creed 3 next, so make sure to subscribe to be notified when that is released!

#AssassinsCreed #VideoGameMove #Ubisoft

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