Assassination attempted on DJT today at his golf course, Man with AK-47 get's off shots, arrested.
Published on 15 Sep 2024 / In
News & Politics
Score so far: DJT - 2, Deep State - 0
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We were able to get it to the licensed plate readers... that is the surveillance state using trafgic cams and cams at traffic lights... Though, I suspect a SS or Homeland Thug leak for the Deep State too off him . Though, many suspect a Psy-Op to make the SS look good. My guess they are still denying Trump advance drones to watch the area...Whatever happened to infered?
downvote for the 5 minute intro
8:00 - What a photo. Overweight Shanqiua playing with red caution tape. A man/woman? in the middle holding the object doing all the lifting it seems. Is that a tin foil hat? The case isn't an evidence case. It's third breakfast Mr. Frodo. Again there's my tax dollars being used for extreme Gluttony. Dyed redhead feminist doing nothing except cosplaying as a man cop. Another woman doing nothing but made sure to wear really tight pants because that's appropriate for her arbitrary job position. Look at my butt everyone! I'm on OnlyCops. Then a black guy doing absolutely nothing except staring at tight pants white woman.
Then you see their salaries. The economy that rewards selfishness and Sin causing stagnation.
Sounds like a Go Pro ad to me. If it wasn't an ad it would be called a camera.
Another fake news event as well from frauds who wear business suits and Gov uniforms. People who grift for a living and make more money than a working man.
I don't trust a guy who wears a pink pressed shirt to look feminine. Then wears shoulderpads which contradicts the effeminate look he's going for. While in the background a Porky McCop is so overweight and lazy he's about to have a stroke. Look at how red he is. The sad thing is these are your average modern Western men. Lazy and fat. Shoulderpads is like stuffing a bra or your boxers with tissue. A sign of dishonesty most importantly. They should wear eyeliner and foundation also. Why not?
Meanwhile today some random working man will be killed for his wallet and won't even makes the news. But I'm supposed to care about business suit pigs who pay porn stars for sex like total simps? Paid for by taxing you and making a killing in investments which destroy products/services. Investors ruined the modern gaming industry for example.
And of course ,he failed .Tell me the elites are working hard to maintain the illusion of choice when people vote in making Trump a fake populist martyr without saying it .None of these politician puppets are the people's representatives ,they represent you know who .Nothing will change without bloodsheds ,why do you think they want so bad to take your guns ? Why do you think there are so many mass shootings in schools ? That's right the government is behind all these events .Look at the first Trump shooter ,he was seen in Blackrock's commercial .Coincidence ,i don't think so .Just like the first time ,they found another dumbass to play their game .