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Assassins Creed Brotherhood, diffrent fighting techniques

Published on 08 Sep 2024 / In Gaming

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KEEPER 6 months ago  

1080p version here.

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KEEPER 6 months ago

i wish this game had blood pools and dismemberment, it would have looked so cool with the combat move sets.

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KEEPER 6 months ago

damn that last move i love so much, right as Ezio Parries the guards attack, Ezio breaks the guards right leg so he falls a certain way, only to shove his sword down his spine, such a badass move lol.

i love how this game randomizes these move sets, sometimes it doesn't look right but sometimes it looks amazing like that one.

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KEEPER 6 months ago

i can never win with these damn recording programs, they either use way to many resources or require some shit i can't get or they come with problems built in, this time instead of using the resource heavy Nvidia recorder program, i'm using windows built-in shit, and it has zero options to improve it's stability, i was getting 120fps in the game while i played, but the video shows a fuck ton of stutters for some unknown reason and the program doesn't allow the user to fix it by adjusting settings because there are no settings for it.

OBS is the one that requires some bullshit that i can't get because it will turn my graphics card into a useless device like what happened to my last one, so basically what happened to my last graphics card, i got a update via through Nvidia of all places and they "bricked it" through the fucking update, because the card was old, and i will never trust Nvidia again with their broken ass updates, it's like what happens to your old phones and they have these updates that are supposed to help the device work better only to find out they fill it with shit that it doesn't need to make the user get a new card, it's a panzi scheme i swear, they pull shit like this, anyway i confirmed this through some online searches that this is why they brick your old devices, so i had to get a newer card, not new but new to me because they broke the last one through a stupid update.

unless there is a version of OBS that doesn't require bullshit, but i just don't know where to get that.

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