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Assassins Creed Brotherhood Never Ending Guard Spawning Glitch

Published on 07 Sep 2024 / In Gaming


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KEEPER 6 months ago  

this looked better when i recorded it and while i played it, but the programs i use to edit it make it look like shit.

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wroger_wroger 6 months ago

This is so ungay...

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KEEPER 6 months ago


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KEEPER 6 months ago

what, you want it to be gay? i'm confused the context of your comment.

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KEEPER 6 months ago

to be honest i'm glad it's not lame and gay, fuck that shit.

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KEEPER 6 months ago

i admit, this really didn't need to be 30 minutes long lol, it's just i was having so much fun that i lost track of time, i should have tried to condense it to 10 minutes, that would have been fine too, but i lose track of time when i'm having fun.

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sbseed 6 months ago

the dead body doing a backflip off the building was pretty funny...
boring as hell really, farming/grinding for money or xp was always boring...

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KEEPER 6 months ago

that's just how i keep the fight going, so if i want to get more throwing knives or bullets or medicene i have to loot their corpses, i guess i could play without these things, but i just love this glitch, so the bodies that are dead flying away is due to the game not being able to handle the glitch and things become unstable lol, so for me this fight was never about grinding or xp or money, i was earning passive income via the game's renovation mechanic, but there is no grinding for xp in this old game, this was just a sequence in the game that was only supposed to last so long as you remained within the area, the fight just continues on when you remain in the area of the fight and not escape, if i left the area and fight the guards once i kill the last guard is when it all ends, i remember doing this over and over for hours in one of my playthroughs just because i find it fun, none of their other games have a glitch like this that i know of.

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sauger1001 6 months ago

Not a gamer, but this looks like GTA, Medieval style.

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sbseed 6 months ago

grand theft horse lol, actually its very different game style, the layout of the maps and travel is similar in that you use horses to travel... the first one was ok, then they got kinda shitty after that.

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KEEPER 6 months ago

@sbseed: i personally like the Ezio games the most, best story, locations, combat, music, shit to do, i love building the brotherhood from nothing and making them an empire, i have done it countless times, it's a mechanic wit many other mechanics they got rid of in later games, i mean the other games have some things i like, a lot of people loved black flag, and i liked it, but it's not really my cup of tea, i don't like being in the ocean and doing battle ship stuff for very long if i can help it, but i love fighting and the older games had so much more of it, not the grindy RPG stuff they shit out today in the ass creed games, those are kind of fun, but they get old fast because everything is based on your level and it takes 99 times to stab a motherfucker to kill him, and i like this style significantly more than that nonsense anyway. people say this game is too easy and their kind of right, but when i first started playing asscreed games the counters were a lot less reliable and you had to pay attention to the NPC's a lot more than later games where they pretty much gave made the game too easy in other ways, i liked the counter system in AC1 AC2 games but it was slow and not very fast paced however there were ways to make it slightly faster if you knew the tricks, for myself i love brotherhood and revelation's combat the most, revelation's is kind of the same, but a bit harder with some NPC's that were stronger and could counter your counter kills so it wasn't as easy, but the sucky thing in that game is you couldn't fight more than 8 guards at a time and most groups were a group of 4 NPC's, to me that

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KEEPER 6 months ago

was way too easy, i hit enter too soon by accident.

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KEEPER 6 months ago

@sbseed: there are some harder NPC's in this game too, but you don't get to see them in this glitch sadly, like they have some big brutes who use two handed weapons that are harder to fight, you basically have to switch to your fists and do a counter to take their weapon and use it against them, their weapons are much slower and sometimes they counter your counter so you have to dodge them and attack them after words to take down their health a notch further, they are harder to fight, but they are not in as many fights, then there are the paple guards, who are just like the brutes but they have guns and they pull out their guns more often, and you can't really counter a gun, so you have to instead attack them without the counters and rely on kick slash attacks, i mean you can always throw knives at them, but but that is a bit slower and you can often miss or they shoot you faster than you can throw them, i wish this game had more of these guys funny enough, because they are more difficult, but of course i can always use my gun, but my gun is limited in how many bullets i can use at any given time and it also leaves you open for an attack by some other NPC, so i try to use the most efficent attacks that work instead of relying on my throwing knives or my gun, as these are limited, however both the gun and the sword are used at the same time, but the reason why i only switch to the sword during this battle is so i can use the gun to shoot the stupid guards on the horses, i hate that horse aspect but it does make it more challelnging, but sometimes i accidently bring more horses in when i whistle for my stupid horse when hitting the taunt button as it's also the whistle button lol, UBisoft god damn you! lol. so it's really unfortunate that i can't fight some of the more interesting fighters in this fight, it would have made it far more difficult, but no, at this stage in the game you are just given the easy guards and the dipshits on their horses.

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KEEPER 6 months ago

honestly i wish this game had mods that i could add more NPC variants to fight up against and more of them in more locations, the reason i like this glitch is it adds more guards to fight so long as i remain in the area and don't escape the fight can go on for hours, the last time i played for a full 3 hours of this fight because i love it so much.

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KEEPER 6 months ago

sugar, it is kind of like GTA mideval, you can steal horses from NPC's to guards to even outright killing guards and stealing their horse from them unsuspectingly, it's a lot of fun, it's just never as involved as this fight in this entire game sadly.

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KEEPER 6 months ago

so when that guard on the horse comes at me, i can steal his horse in this location, but it's very difficult to pull that maneuver in this location, but it can be done for sure, i find it far more efficient to just shoot him, i can pull him off and attack him as well, but again the shooting but again, the shooting him off the horse is just faster and far more efficient, and i try to fight as efficient as possible when i play this game. if i wanted to make it harder, i could do bare hands, that is much harder though but it can be done in this game for sure, i will have to upload how that combat looks, what's the hardest way of fighting is using fists and a crossbow in these fights because he reloads each bolt during the fight and it's super slow and you have to constantly dodge the attacks of your enemy, it's doable but hard as hell, and fists is not as clear cut fighting as when you counter your guy uses his bare hands to steal the enemies weapon from them and uses it on them, so the fighting can be varied to a degree, one of my favorite weapons to use is the spear, it can be thrown to impail guards and also it can use a sweep attack to take out 3 guards or more at once, but it's slow to use which leaves you open for attacks, sometimes depending on the enemy it can break in half and you can kill your enemy by stabbing the two separated parts lol it's fun, but it's difficult to use.

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KEEPER 6 months ago

i'm going to have to re-record this shit, because this looks like shit. can you believe it was recorded in 4k originally? it's my damn editing program that makes it look so damn washed out, i wish i knew of a better program.

i was also using Nvidia's screen filters, and they made it look cool in game, but now it just looks like shit.

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