Atlantis & Nemesis, The Rise and Fall of an Advanced Civilization
Published on 21 Sep 2024 / In
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Uhm... your timeline is off... all major Israeli events Exodus, Christ' birth, Revelations these are in the astrological age changes or transitions...This is why the Golden Calf was acceptable by God El... new age, Age of Aries, new paradigm... Bbiblical Age of Laws; Age of Pisces, Biblically Salvation-- new age, new paradigm... Sunday masses versus Saturday gatherings...Age of Aquarius, Biblical Age of Revelations-- new age, rediscovered old truths... but it does not start until after mid to late 2040s... Zionists are trying to rush God El, but it will fail.
The is recorded as being the key... it could be a tuning fork like key, but I strongly believe it's a conductive (electricity or circuit) key to opened a hidden chamber, perhaps a Hall of Records as in Edgar Cayce's foresaw Halls of Revords of Atlantis.
What was Nemesis? Did I miss that?
Light body? The ethereal body? The light which extends just past (most of us) our skin? The Buddha's was like twenty miles in all directions. He calmed cities and twons people without even entering the towns.
I do believe in old souls... Susan Cooper's The Gray King series mentions those... even her Seventh Son of Seventh Son (there's a movie on that and the first of the Gray King series... they tie into Atlantis. I believe the movie is The Seeker.)
I do believe some of us are old souls, which is why some people are super geniuses... just saying.