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Audi R8 Joyride dashcam footage Australia - This guy is a dangerous idiot - execute him and stick him in a dumpster.

Published on 17 Feb 2025 / In Film & Animation

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In one sense, he is a VERY good driver, but he is also incredibly high risk - when you cut your margins to the absolute minimum by upping all the parameters to their limits, such as speed, vision around corners, almost no braking distance, and virtually no allowances for the unexpected - like people turning in front of you or pulling out of side streets etc., thinking that everything else on the road is doing 60Kmh not 200 KMh - he is endangering the lives of many innocents, and this guy is a fucking idiot and deserves to be executed and shoved into a dumpster.

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This fucktard and another guy who used to ride a hotted up Hybusa in Europe - the black knight.... he called himself...............

Doing some incredibly dangerous shit.....

If you look at the fucktard in the Audi - in some ways he is a very good driver but he was also doing some incredibly dangerous shit like running stop signs - with not much time or side vision to see anyone coming from either side etc.

I know how to ride a motorbike like that but I just don't - because there is no room for error and the results are catastrophic...

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