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Auston Holleman Got Banned From Nicaragua For Exploiting Women


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Published on 13 Mar 2024 / In People & Blogs

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MrHolmes 11 months ago

Joe Biden released a Russian weapons dealer for WNBA player Britney Griner. She is a communist lesbo so she was worth saving. Coach Red Pill was a patriotic American so he was not worth saving. According to the US Gov under Joe Biden.

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Izzy 11 months ago

I disagree with you that American blacks are the worst. African and Caribbean blacks are just as stupid and animalistic as their American relatives. There are regions in sub-Saharan Africa and Haiti where voodoo and cannibalism are still practiced. Why is it that there has never been a successful highly developed black nation without the authority or aid of whites? African blacks are destroying major cities in Europe such as London, Paris, and Birmingham. Blacks in general are under the curse of Ham and God enforced servitude on them.

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sauger1001 11 months ago

I get your point. I guess my family was one of the exceptions, due to our father. You may (or may not) remember, that American Blacks had the HIGHEST percentage of two parent households, until LBJ's (and Democrooks) "Great Society/War On Poverty (ie, War On Black Families) bullsh!t policy. MLK realized later he was deceived, and called out the Johnson government for lying to him. Duke the Don showed a segment of MLK's private meeting the following evening, after his "I Have A Dream" speech earlier that day. Of course he was killed not long after, "allegedly" by James Earl Ray. (Putting on my tin foil hat) Not so sure of that scenario, since he had nothing to gain, but "The Bureau" seemingly had more to lose if King stayed alive. JMO. Back on the rails now. Lol!

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sauger1001 11 months ago

@sauger1001: Also, since we were ALL created by the same Creator, I couldn't give two shots about my race, since I know "The Creator is no respecter of persons" (Acts 10:34), and we ALL end up in the same we began: The Dirt (Gen. 3:19).

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Izzy 11 months ago

Auston is a typical nigger who draws a lot of negative attention to himself and doesn't know when to keep his shut and lay low. I really feel bad for the small minority of decent blacks who will be unfairly judged due to the fact that most of the ppl within their race are subhumans and undesirables.

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