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Australia's Abandoned Ghost Town

Published on 18 Sep 2023 / In Film & Animation

#abandoned #ghosttown #urbanexploring #urbex
Todays episode takes us to the Abandoned Ghost Town of Olary South Australia's Cobb And Co.Settled in the 1880s to service the Barrier Highway and the railways that used to pass through here from Adelaide to Broken Hill.The village population soon declined. however the town still has a hotel and general store to cater for the many travellers and railway workers.

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bigintol03 1 year ago

Just like the old west! lol

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Nice and quiet though.

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At exactly 32:28 - the camera pans around to the hotel / pub / general store... and 33:48 - 33:55 - you can see a mountain range off in the distance and a hill close up... It's a big deal in a place like that.

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bigintol03 1 year ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: The mountain range?

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@bigintol03: Yep --- Look very carefully at the horizon line at 33:48.... You will see them.... ground - mountain range - hazy vapour layer - clouds.

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@bigintol03: Yoou have got no eye for distance son - Gotta train ya. Close Up - Far Up -

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Olary - the Big Map - The hills - Open plains South East. Mountainous Lumps - South West.,139.78434

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@bigintol03: DANGALLI - the mountain range...

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bigintol03 1 year ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: Now I see it...pretty stunning!

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@bigintol03: Probably 150 K away to the highest bits. Horizon - What is the horizon composed of? Get a piece of fresh orange skin - uncrushed - and with a fresh razor blade - slice it into 20 even thickness slices and tell me what you see.

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bigintol03 1 year ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: How about I just take your word for it?

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@bigintol03: You want to know why I can see the tops of a mountain range 150 Km away in a video? You want to know why I can make probaly 30 rice paper thin slices of an orange peel? You want to know why I am reasonably conversant with surgeons, reactor designers, aircraft manufacturers etc... Because I like learning....

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bigintol03 1 year ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: That's obvious, you're one of the most intelligent men I've ever known!

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@bigintol03: No not really.... I would not call me smart - some of us were so damaged by life that the only way to get through it was in books and documentaries and some people call poverty a curse - I think it teaches you to be resourceful... Read the books, read the scientific literature, there are things that if you get it wrong, it's no big deal - there are things that need to be carefully done, and then there are things - that without extensive training and experience - your off into orbit in a million bits.. Read the manuals, take the training, make the products, achieve the results... My mostly accursed mother, DID do some good things, for me, like BUYING me some really good books... I inhereted the family encylopedias from the 30's, and unlike much dumb cunts stuff from the modern era, they SHOWED YOU how things work, with images and explinations - and this was from a time when fuck all came from packets and everyone tended to be able to make everything.... My parents were almost never around - so I had to entertain myself and making things was a good pastime.. AND because I had fuck all money, I had to figure out how to make things work, so I was always building things... AND I hated fucking things up with bad designs - that requires thinking things through.... Sometimes I'd be caught out be a lack of experience in certain areas, and I then adapted.. Meanwhile everyone else was being employed, having stready ? relationships, families and I was a fucking train wreck with a stack of manuals and books... You only have so much in the way of brains and time, this is where I spent mine..... where as idiots spend their time gossiping and taking short cuts and doing a piss poor job of everything... People have choices and circumstances..

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You can LEARN so much from people who have had to think things through... Thi is a film equivalent to an encylopedia from the 30's - then you have a look at how much difference - a LOT of hard work, thinking and the development of so many things, by so many people on so many fronts, have enabled and created, the production of NEW machines that do the same thing at 100 x the speed, and only with one person driving it... These are comparable modern sytems...

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@bigintol03: So many different ways to do "trenches and channels"

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@bigintol03: And in the most ??? recent Hammer Hand video that is about 2:40:00 long, he goes through the books, written by the psycho feminists - Andrea Dworkins and the fucking psycho who tried to kill Andy Warhole - There is a difference between opinions about these women, and studied opinions for and against them, and reading what they actually had to write about themselves, by themselves... - So because I can't be fucked taking on board any more crazy, I don't read these books, but with Hammer Hand reading them, and taking notes etc.. there is a whole different level in understanding the subjects - these psyco fucking head case women... I have read a little bit of Dawkins and I thought, "This is fucking crap" - and binned it. Hammer Hand knows a whole heap about them. He is knowledgeble about these women, I am basically more or less ignorant, who is smart? I don't know... I chose to spend my time on other things. He chose to get an education on the subject - of what fucking bullshit these fucking head case bitches were coming out with..... And all the idiots that follow them...... I deal with enough scumbag junkies in Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous on a regular basis, to view them as issues to be disposed of, rather than embraced... But Hammer Hands education - is really good... and he is generally worth listening too... There are smart and insightful people EVERYWHERE.... I have met used car salesmen - who were better than 90% of psychiatrists in terms of reading people and picking the locks inside their heads... I have also met a lot of psychs who ARE fucking idiots.... But I have met a handful who were VERY smart...

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