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Australia Appoints Minister For Changing Men’s Behavior - MGTOW

Published on 22 Jun 2024 / In People & Blogs

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'It starts with us': How this state hopes to change men's attitudes towards women

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from James. He didn't give me a topic so I wanted to cover Australia appointing a minister for changing men's behavior. Imagine the outrage if the Australian parliament appointed a minister for changing women's behavior. To try and limit their body counts and get them dress modestly. Remember that all it took to create Slutwalk in Toronto was a police officer telling a woman that she should dress more conservatively so that she didn't attract unwanted attention. That one comment sparked the global slutwalk movement. So Tim Richardon a member of Australian Parliament has been appointed as the secretary for men's behavior change. The role will focus on the influence the internet and social media are having on boys' and men's attitudes towards woemn, as well as building respectful relationships. The main reason is supposedly to combat gender-based violence. Women are safer than they've ever been. The Australian government is upset at Elon Musk and wants to license if you're allowed to publish memes or not. The article I've linked down below in the description is mostly a fluff piece repeating over and over again that this new orwellian minister for changing men's behavior is all about protecting women from violence. But you know they will probably use their power to try and censor what people say on the internet. They say they want to challenge violent and misogynistic online content targetted towards boys and young men. Basically try to stop manfluencers such as myself from supposedly radicalizing the youth. I thought about moving to Brisbane and now see that they are rapidly heading in the same direction as Canada trying to censor hate speech. They say that 29 women were ended in Australia since the beginning of the year and want to prevent it from happening. But what about the number of men that were ended. Doesn't anyone care about them? The problem with women and safety is that they always shift the goal posts. If ten women were hurt last year versus only five this year women feel the same level of fear they did before. No matter how much you make the world safe for women they just get used to the new level of safety and start to become irrational or paranoid about the decreased threat. Australia's plan which will most likely be about censoring men is also about trying to create positive role models for young men to follow besides guys like Andrew Tate. They want to understand our attitudes so they can work to change our behaviors. Of course the violence towards women is going to get worse and worse as they ramp up their immigration campaigns in Australia. And then of course this will require more government intervention to reduce violence against women by men that come from cultures that don't respect women. Trying to change the behavior of such immigrant men who are less and less likely to assimilate into Australian culture will be futile. I'll discuss more in a moment but first let me tell everyone about today's sponsor Me The Sandman:

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remarksman 8 months ago

Women are totalitarians. Australia, Canada and the U.S. have proven forever how corrupt, selfish, thuggy, and tyrannical they are when given power.

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Toki 8 months ago

So that's her? Makes sense. Jealous she's not a white woman therefore she needs to moderate men's behavior.

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I hope more idiot and arsehole women, start choking more often, on their rubber dicks.

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profhugodegaris 8 months ago

I did not know that Oz is to appoint a minister to change men's behavior. This motivates me as an active manospherian, living in Australia, to contact this person and teach him/her masculism, so that he/she realizes that gender oppression is very much a TWO way street, and that in fact, women oppress men far worse than vice versa, e. g. women's "big 3" i.e. the worst three ways that women oppress men, namely, women's man slavery, women's divorce rape, and women's forced fathering. Feminists have had a monopoly over gender politics for 6 decades, so their monoconsciousness is not surprising. It is the task of the manosphere, to make the world biconscious, i.e. having both one's feminist and one's masculist consciousnesses raised, to rid the world of monoconscious bias, e.g. the creation of a minister to change men's behavior, but no minister to change women's man slavery, women's divorce rape, women's forced fathering etc. Cheers, Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garis,

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