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Australia Gets Woke - MGTOW

Published on 22 Feb 2021 / In People & Blogs

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Adam and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, I’ve binge watching your content for a few months now, going through it from the start (still at mid 2016) – I appreciate it so MUCH!!!!!! I’m in my 40s living in Sydney Australia, would love you to grow your audience here and make a piece on the current case of Brittany Higgins alleged rape at Parliament House. Here story is the typical thing a woman would say back in the 80s and reminds me of Goldilocks waking up in the bears house. The Australian simp Prime Minister admits he had to consult his wife in order to make a public statement. Kind regards, Adam" Well Adam thanks for the donation and topic. The thing about this story that immediately stood out was that the Aussie Prime Minister has to consult his wife before making a public statement. Who's in charge of your country the Male Prime Minster or his unelected female wife? We pretty much have the same situation in Canada where it looks like Justin Trudeau's wife seems to dominate their relationship and probably the country. But I don't want to dwell on that. Let me recap what happened in Australia with the latest case of political woke mayhem. But before I do let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Lindsay Transmission: Anyways, now back to the video. Trying to find this story online was a pain because everywhere I looked it was behind a paywall and Facebook has been blocked in Australia as of scripting this because Facebook refuses to pay money to the Australian government to help fund the lame stream media news in that country. Now Canada is trying to do the same thing. They also want to force Facebook to pay for allowing users to repost articles and I can see Facebook censoring news content on their platform. News outlets actually want this because they believe that this will force people to visit their websites and pay for subscriptions or at the very least watch ads. Ironically it's just going to create an industry of people reposting content on YouTube in short videos or on their own websites that the government will never be able to stop and tax. The propaganda ministry of fake news is being demonetized and there's nothing news outlets can do to stop it. Anyways, onto the story about the Rape down in Roo land. The Austrlian simp prime minister Scott Morrison is upset with the Defense Minister Linda Reynolds because she didn't tell him about the alleged rape of one of her staffers two years ago. Her excuse is she was trying to protect her privacy. Morrison was kept in the dark and now with this scandal the government seems ready to review the culture in federal politics. Questions are coming out about when Simp Morrison knew about the allegations? It seems like no one dares question the defense minister Linda on why she didn't tell him sooner. It's another case of you can't blame women for anything. Instead you blame the Prime Minister for not knowing for two years and when he does know you blame him for not acting soon enough and instead consulting his wife the cooch power behind Kangarooland.

Australia Gets Woke - Photos

Photo Credit For Ad:

1. Excited white male drag queen in yellow boa

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by "Videezy.com"

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sauger1001 4 years ago

Holy crap! Glad I checked this thumbnail BEFORE eating my Chinese food. Time for KS' "shoutout to Big Shirley!" tuba sound effect.

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charliebrownau 4 years ago

Convid Plandemic is a SCAM
The "VIRUS" doesnt actually exist

Its just the yearly flu

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sauger1001 4 years ago

Agree completely. Had the EXACT same symptoms back in '88; every one: Sore throat, followed by a fever for a couple of days. Nothing stayed down, except for chamomile tea. Too bad everyone depends on chemicals, instead of God's herbs. Hell, how about just following His food laws, instead of eating the crap that makes people sick in the first place. Man's chemicals (vaccines) won't save you, but God's herbs will.

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RoboCat 4 years ago

Actually it's a mutation of the SARS/MERS strain but is actually weaker than either one. It isn't exactly the yearly flu but it might as well be since it is very similar. It's harmless unless you're 80+ or are already on death's door but it does exist.

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charliebrownau 4 years ago


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calee4nyaboy 4 years ago

Sandman, don't tell me you're so stupid that you think coronavirus is legitimate. It's a fucking scam. It's a fucking fraud. I thought you were supposed to be intelligent or something. Pfft.

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Bl4ckStall1on 4 years ago

It is weaker than the common flu, overexaggerated in the media/used for nefarious means, however it does exist. This entire shitshow is a scamdemic plot with so many layers its not even funny.

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calee4nyaboy 4 years ago

@Bl4ckStall1on: Ask yourself why you think it exists. Think long and hard on that. You think it exists because the media told you it exists. I'm sorry to tell you, but that doesn't mean it exists. In fact, it has been admitted that they haven't even isolated this "virus"! If you haven't isolated a virus how can you say somebody has it, and even further, how the hell can you make a vaccine for it? You can't.

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RoboCat 4 years ago

@calee4nyaboy: Bruh...... corona virus is not a myth. The hysteria pretending that it is some deadly infection is a myth but the virus does exist. It is in the same family as the MERS/SARS strains but is weaker than either of those. Anyway you can't "isolate a virus", you can only isolate a virion which is sort of like a "pre infection virus". Lastly, immunization is achieved via exposing you to antigens which leads to antibodies being created. In simple terms you don't need to "isolate" anything to make a vaccine, you just need to force the organism to create defenses that work against it. TLDR............. you are just as wrong as the propagandists but in the opposite direction. Corona virus exists but was used as a political weapon leading to mass hysteria and unjustified subjugation of nations around the world, etc.

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calee4nyaboy 4 years ago

@RoboCat: You are such a fucking idiot coming in here acting like you know everything about viruses and vaccines yet you fail to realize the coronavirus "vaccine" is not something that gives you antibodies. It is an mRNA GENE THERAPY bunch of bullshit. Why don't you go and do your research before you go spouting off a bunch of crap making you look like a dummy.

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RoboCat 4 years ago

@calee4nyaboy: This is a good time to show anyone reading how to spot leftist bullshit/retarded drivel; Notice how the person I am responding to did not address any of the points involving specifics. This is because he doesn't know what he's talking about, at all. He is simply regurgitating propaganda he picked up from some circle jerk media site. Second, he misrepresented what I said about immunization because he didn't understand it but also because he has a pre-packaged response to another argument entirely. This means he has a strong incentive to misrepresent others. And lastly, what he thinks are specifics on top of being wrong by themselves, even if they were right would only prove my point. AHEM, hey dipshit, what you call "mRNA GENE THERAPY" (lmao) modifies raw material to expose your organism to an antigen being created, leading to the formation of antibodies as a result. It's literally what I said. You're both retarded and a dishonest piece of shit. You have nothing of value to say. Dismissed.

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calee4nyaboy 4 years ago

@RoboCat: You are an utter waste of my time. Please, I beg you, get in line and take that "vaccine" as soon as you can. Do it, and do it quick.

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