Australian Doctor threatened after murdering kids
Published on 23 Jan 2022 / In
Film & Animation
They should all be fucking hung.
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The AHPRA or the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency sent a letter out to every doctor and nurse in Australia, saying if you speak up publicly about the Global Depopulation Blood Clot Death Shot, being a bad thing, YOU will be deregistered.
And they were arm twisted into complying. Either hand out the death shots, or lose your license and your career.
There are too many doctors, who were too gutless and totally unwilling to organise as a collective, to stand up to the cunts in AHPRA, and this obedient cunt was one of them.
Channel Nine of course, fail to say anything about these FACTS, being the lying cunts -- by omission -- that they ARE.
"Oh the bad people hate this guy" + "Boo Hoo's" from the fucking medico's killing people with the Blood Clot Death Shot.
After the initial brain washing wore off, these medical people crossed the line into murder a long time ago.
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Maybe hang the premier and the chief health officer and all their corrupt cash grabbing cronies while your at it.
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Retired Registered Nurse
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Another rich butcher. Seems to have a little "sugar" in his petrol tank. Fake tears for the camera, just like a woman.