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Australian Politicians Compete for the Title of 'Most Psycho Despot'

Published on 02 Oct 2024 / In Film & Animation


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Blow this fucking cunts head off..........

Better yet, he can actually take everyone's vaccine, and all the booster shots too......

He'll be deader than a dog on a hot day.......

Naaaaaaaa ----- Punch his face in until dead......

Hmmmmmmm lets give the people who have as yet, not died from this shit and his fucking antics - first dibs on killing him..

The second round - goes to all the surviving inlaws and friends and relatives of the dead and dying.....

The third round goes to everyone else who just despises fucking retarded arseholes.....

Like Gumby and Co., and all his fucking stooges.

Be sure to live stream it.

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