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Australian Protestor Kyle Mitchell gets Killed by The Cops for speaking out, using rubber bullets at point blank range t

Published on 01 Oct 2021 / In Film & Animation


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boby 3 years ago

The pigs are just the legal branch of the Mafia. The Simps just believed another lie that the pigs exist to protect the order. Sure, the slave order

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GenerationLESS 3 years ago

Rubber bullets were classified as non-lethal because they were to be shot at the ground and bounce up to hit people in the legs. They have never been used like that, because all the cops hear is "non lethal" so they think it won't kill anyone. PC language causes death.

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I am quite sure that when these cunts get trained, there has to be "Do not point the guns at peoples heads from point blank range and shoot them in the head with it - as it can and might kill them". And from that I gather that pointing the guns at their heads when they are laying on the ground and shooting them in the head repeatedly from point blank range - ought to follow on intuitively from that initial statement. And this is after the people are saying, "You don't have the right to MAKE people be coerced into taking a lethal injection" - by protesting in the streets about it. If these Criminal Covid Cops were rounded up and surrounded and butchered in the streets - after all they have done to innocent people, would it surprise me? Not in the least.

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