Average Men Are Ghosting 10-10 Women
Published on 17 May 2024 / In
Film & Animation
Women are NOW complaining about MEN when we do what they have done to Us for decade's now. the main difference is women are thirsty for Cock, MEN are not so thirsty for Pussy when it can cost them their freedom and money. I totally Ghost women, I have no use for a women anymore and have moved on both spiritually and inteligently. I'm probably as free as I can be in todays corrupt brooken world that when looked at by taking a step backwards seems to be in the SHIT because of Gynocentric emotion's and weak stupid CUNT's who can to a thing right for themselves nether lone anyone else!
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No. Men want twenty years olds... some younger where it's legal. Get over it: We did when you'll rejected us...as young men.
Imagine if you will a space & time before the fall of man when womb4man was PERFECT being a 10 outa 10 #WTF is this title all about?
Here's a fucking 10 outa 10 https://forgifs.com/gallery/d/....211774-3/Gymnastics-
Wow! All these chicks are worth a "Netflix n' Chill" (wear a raincoat). Drizzle Drizzle.
Not sure the chick in the thumbnail is a "10". Perhaps a "7" at best. In my previous life 35yrs ago, I'd still pump n' dump her.
I'd rather do anything than see anyone of these women......
Housework - Here I come!