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Published on 09 Dec 2023 / In Other
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WMHarrison94 9 months ago

What an interesting woman? Rather talking hole walking incubation: bet she thinks pregnancy is "magick." Hate to tell you but modern science theory allows for Magick, but to understand what Magick is, you need to change perspectives... First Law of Magick or the "Craft:" Do what ye want, but harm none. Second Law: Energy is all around: It is abundant. Third Law: What ye send out, returns to you either three fold, nine fold, or ten fold... The point is Karma and the Golden Rule, "Do onto others what ye want done onto you."

Now, Gibbs Free Energy absolutely proves The Second Law of Magick, and the "outdated" String Theory also reflects this, as does gravity because it always exist however minuscule. Modern physics and Chemistry prove this: One of the strongest evidence for the "Simulation Theory" that we are living in a simulation is Gibbs Free Energy, though these days feminist whores want to call it Free Energy because men bad... and some how, the chick who invented chocolate chip cookies is held in such high esteem equal to Gibbs, Newton, Galileo, Watts, Fulton, and fuck.... I just lost his name: I keep thinking Carnegie, but it's the German physicist who invented the heat engine, the basis of all our engines, cars, trains, plains, and even the battery operated engines... shit, Planck and Watson and Crick were DNA, Pasteur was enzymes,... fuck it's like Arrhenius or something... Sorry, just woke up about an hour ago. So simulation theory? Ever wrote a video game and coded it? All the "material" is there to build constructs-- sort of like watching Free Guy as his world is destroyed... the electricity powers the builds in the servers...

So what is "magick?" And do we want these idiots to know? My Second favorite T-shirt was "Never underestimate stupid people in large numbers." Wisdom to live by: My favorite of course because I'm a battery of libido energy... is a classy cartoon of a naked boy standing on the head of a naked girl, both "cute" where the boy asks, "When is this supposed to start feeling good?" The girl replies, "I don't know, but I got a headache." Typical modern erotic relationship if you ask me...So, what is "magick?" In a sense it is purpose "directed"... Old Testament God of Israel even tells you how to use it... "Ask and you shall receive." The question is, do you know how to ask? The ancients did...

And finally, why kill people with Magick? Burn the witches? Easy... we see this today with the Cathedral and their Leftist's drones "character assassinate" those who do not follow the narrative and have the balls to speak out loudly like President Trump... It's censorship. These dumbasses think if you control the words and the let's say entertainment and education, you control the minds... the Hive minds of females as we call it, but it's much more than that. Much witchcraft is hidden in Psychology especially Parapsychology. Funny thing, the Stoics prepared us for how to deal with these morons: Hence, they want to censor us and use us as examples to scare the herd into submission... but, Strangely God of Israel believe it or not wants us to be Free mind and soul, and to find and love/worship Him. These demonic cunts don't like that: They always strive for power and bloodshed and all the sex-- ass or pussy they can consume even if or rather especially if they are kids. They thrive on destroying innocence: Hence, Hollywierd or Pedowood's true mission... to destroy men. I watched another video yesternight about the NBA athletes' sons both being gay... Magic AIDS carrying Johnson was one of them. Think about it: Peak athletes, who have to take it in the ass by Jew Satanic gang bangers in order to succeed or maintain their status, have to offer us their kids-- destroying their boys. They are literally taking out our strongest potential warriors with athletic abilities-- abilities useful on the physical battlefield. Take heed: This is our termination as a species unfolding...

But, don't despair yet: God of Israel is not letting this happen without a fight: He guides some of us to awaken the masses, some of us to destroy their influence and reigns, and some to expose their hypocrisy... their hubris... Funny thing, Jesus Christ, rather in Greek or Hellenistic tongue Yoshua Kristos used the Greek word hubris? How did He know it as a "poor" farmer or hired hand? They paint the picture he was a backwater Jew country hick, but the evidence suggests he lived near likely less than a hour's walking distance to a major metropolis where his adopting father Joseph was a carpenter, a skilled craftsman, who afforded the education of his sons... Mary/Maria(h) was only virgin for the first birth Yoshua Kristos, but the subsequent children including James were Joseph's. The early Church tried to hide Christ's humanity claiming He was divine. However, being human is Divine: A truth they want us to not know nor believe. They even wrote fake gospels where Joseph, Mary's betrothed, was an older gentleman with kids from a previous marriage as a widower... Silly faggot Jews... the Truth matters and ghe Almighty God of Israel will make it known... hence our next paradigm shift following the mid-2040s as we enter into the Age of Revelations, literally "Ancient Truths Rediscovered," or "Enlightenment" of Pagan Age of Aquarius... just saying. Socrates was on the right track claiming every piece of knowledge you have or learned was a piece of a puzzle: Put it all together you see the Bigger picture... Tell me, "How Big a picture do you see?" I see a lot, but unfortunately not all. In order to see it all, we have to move beyond our physical limitations of our energetic bodies, but as I said, I died trice....

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WMHarrison94 9 months ago

Damn... I think I stole your video!?! Sorry. It irritates me when morons explain things badly... but I'm being blackmailed from "traditional success" because of my Voice and Spirit... and likely my Newly Realized Harmony and Synchronization with God of Israel and His Wife Ashereh the Tree of Life, the casualty of the Exodus oaradigm shift from Age of Taurus to Age of Aries the Biblical Age of Laws... just saying. Echoes of our past are about to have huge, uhm let's say "quakes" like earthquakes onto our understanding and the lies we are drowning in, especially if you haven't realized them lies.

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Councilof1 9 months ago

Without any technology living becomes extremely difficult. Hunting, fishing and agriculture need technology. The lone exception would be endurance hunting, chasing something until it dies. Drawing that line would be very difficult. Interesting video nonetheless.

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Councilof1 9 months ago

Majick is real. It's just not what people believe. Why are we taught spelling? When you tell a story you weave a spell of sorts. It can make mem believe lie's as if they were truth's. It goes even deeper when you consider roots of word's. Like the word believe. The root of that word is lie.

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WMHarrison94 9 months ago

@Councilof1: Not bad and well true. See my novel above if you want to learn more uhm "wisdom."

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