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Back In The Kitchen, Where You Belong-AI Generated

Published on 30 Jun 2024 / In Comedy

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sbseed 8 months ago

love it!

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KEEPER 8 months ago

send it to as many women as you damn well please lol. just to piss them off.

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Haha KEEPER get back in the kitchen where you belong gonna keep you where belong Haha :D JK

This will never be aired on Mainstream dinosaur media and if any artist was to perform this live they will be CANCELLED by the REEEE MOB glad you can play this out in the open if anyone asks you can say it's random AI GENERATED and watch their FEMINAZI WHORE SOULS DIE INSIDE haha :D \G/

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KEEPER 8 months ago

well it is quite literally AI generated music, so it's not just an excuse it's literally AI created.

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KEEPER 8 months ago

i'm hoping we can get more MGTOW podcasters to use these songs as soundboards or just play them before the live streams start lol, shit like this needs to be heard more often, and if they play in front of women i hope they trigger a triggered response lol.

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@KEEPER: I hear ya bro, if I could figure out how to stream from a phone to MGTOW servers and use the songs I would however that's not possible and it's super technical that's why I don't bother and just upload videos of interest, inspiration, intrigue and education and comedy because it's easier and direct to the point.

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KEEPER 8 months ago

@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: yeah, i know how that goes, i'm not the most technical person either, i mean i do ok on some things, but i still feel the dumbass with some of these things lol.

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KEEPER 8 months ago

@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: would you happen to know the video hammerhand calls out popp on this?

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@KEEPER: I just Checked WEAK AND RIPE STREMA WAA 4.MONTHS AGO and Hammer Didn't call Popp out he just did a snapshot on his Jewtube Community chat and asked if Popp would course corrected himself and that stream was done 1 month ago called CHILDREN NEED THEIR FATHERS all on their MGTOW CHANNEL check it out and listen for yourself, Hammer made his PEARL EXPOSE destroying her video and maybe Popp saw that and came to his senses because Hammer is still friends with Popp if Popp didn't then I think Hammer wouldn't be friends with someone that knowingly supports the usury of men or being in business with a grifting whore

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KEEPER 8 months ago

@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: alright, i will listen to the CHILDREN NEED THEIR FATHERS video tonight, maybe i will catchup a little bit.

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KEEPER 8 months ago

@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: i'm listening now but also checking the chat log to see if people call him out, but getting distracted by all the nice images lol

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KEEPER 8 months ago

@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: oh boy, your not going to like what i have to say on this, i agree with Popp's position on this, now that i know and understand the full context., but i would still like to see hammerhand's response on this.

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WMHarrison94 8 months ago

Hey, who said Feminazis had souls? As long as she has two legs and an asshole, she would have two soles... LOL! Hey, don't judge me: They kill nanies!?!

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@KEEPER: I'm glad you share your honest opinion and agree with Poop however I disagree with Poop and me and you can respectfully agree to disagree however many have said Poop couldn't even do that with some of his own supporters so that tells me something. GODBLESS YOU \G/

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KEEPER 8 months ago

@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: well like i said, i would still like to know hammers response and why this idea is such a big deal in some people's eyes, because i heard what Popp had to say, he just wants to save men and the only way to do that is to set aside your ego in order to reach a larger audience to save men, because ultimately that was his deal, now i haven't payed much attention to this Peral girl but i know roughly what her channel is all about, she first started to show up on the scene back when she asked questions why things were so messed up in relationships with men and women, she didn't understand why or how things got so messed up, eventually she came to the knowledge of the mesosphere and the information who naturally gravitated to her channel because of the kind of content she was making, where the feminists have lead men to go, via mgtow and the incel route, like it's a fractured environment for both sexes, and to many men and women are still left not knowing why, they just know things aren't working like how they used to in this idea of relationships. anyway that's really all i know about her, i stopped listening to her for a while now as i could tell she was still figuring shit out so to me she was generations behind the times, however some of her content has gone viral and she has also been on some top channels talking about these things, and as much as i hate to say this, but she was allowed to raise in the ranks of popularity in such a short time in comparison to male creators over the last year or 2 where some of these dudes have been at this game for over a decade and youtube still throttles them like crazy, some like better bachalor got some fame but even he's being throttled, so the idea that Popp's channel getting some kind of recognition in that numbers path of Peral's channel might help reach out to more men who still haven't discovered his channel yet or have heard his message.

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@KEEPER: Hammer on his YouTube community chat gave his reasons why he was against it and didn't say anything bad about Poop just that he needs to course correct and do better infosec, Hammer put up previous videos of Pearl only getting popular because she is a cunt with tits and got promoted because of that and she stole talking points from Hammerhand Big John, Sandman and Poop, to make herself get popular and look all good for the Simps and she is Controlled Oppositon with her daddy trust fund money that's how she has gotten more popular than Poop and manosphere content creators thinking they can infiltrate and break it apart from the inside out, Hammer just said he hopes Poop Course corrects and looks at the information Hammer has put out and made available and not to get in bed with that cunting whore as she is playing him for a ride and continue to do what he and Blake are already doing as that's whats really saving men's lives and they don't need know so called famous bigger platform cunt to help them spread the men's message.

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@KEEPER: Poop needs to do better infosec and Hammer found out that Pearl Cunt is going broke and soon to be washed up so it will be pointless How is it Hammer Knows More than Poop Does and Poop is supposed to be a "Military Veteran" with all contacts and they can't tell him who and what she is really like yet Hammerhand aka Boomer Tech finds it out without even trying so hard yeah, Poop has some Soul searching, digging and correcting to do and not that lame excuse its to help spread men's message and keep them alive well more and more men woke up when the bear DRIZZLE DRIZZLE aka GRIZZLE GRIZZLE came out and more and more are joining everyday Poop just has to keep doing what he has been doing all along or at the very least listen to Hammer and not get into Bed with Pearl and her cunt grift

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