Solo Man do you know our chat has taken up most of my or our morning,? And it was brilliant, whos said Disco wouldn't last ! lol! signing off for a Rest good buddy!
It wasn't perfect. society was a bit rougher in those day's but one of the better things today is the Pussification of society means us older Guy's get an easier time? I guess. Mind you when you are a teen even in our time it was all about a good time I guess. didn't do drug's or anything, I was man enough even them unlike today to cry because my latta isn't hot enough like they do today? lol!
I occasionally smoked weed but not very often. Femon had it easy then, they just slung makeup on put a new dress or skirt on and stood there, that was it! Guys use to arrive and see who they liked but it would be at least 2 hours before he made a move when he was pissed enough. It was a game as well then but it was fun for both the sexes
@SoloMan Zone: The ART of mating was quite QUAINT in those day's didn't really master it to well as I was always fearful of my old man who had a rod of iron if me ot my brother stepped even slightly out of line to his thinking?
Another one Biting the Dust was, was quick regular if it was being drunk or in a fight? remember the Fights usually over a Femon. Never got into it, I was MGTOW even them but didn't know it!
You didn't want to get drunk early in the evening because you may pull a guy with long hair and not a chick and he had started drinking early and was drunk anf=d thought YOU were a chick it could be problematic. It never luckily happened to me but it happened to a work buddy of mine. He had toi put up with the rubbing for weeks! lol! My god do you remeber those Flared trousers or those Oxford bags you could only wear with platform shoes? Those olatforms made walking very dangerous and I guess that is how most guys learned to dance like John Trovalta in saturday night Fever, it actually wasn't dancing but some guy trying to walk properly on them, Thaqt is why you got drunk so the drunken wobble could counter act with the platform shoes and you could walk normally (and no one knew you were drunk) that was a bonus. Then there was those fucking "Bonce Bouncers things that the chicks wore on their heads! lol! They were like long sprunge wire with a plastic ball on the end. You would walk up to a chick to ask her for a dance and if you didn't step back quick enough you could loose a tooth or get a bloody nose! I recon they were a weapon developed for Femon's to ward of attantion. Mind you it wasn't M
@SoloMan Zone: You have just summed up a teen of the 1970's! lol! You missed out Doc Martin's and Corduroy stuff. also everything is the 70's was "BROWN" or "BEIGE" as well! lol!
@SoloMan Zone: I also had News print shirts, kipper ties, and matching denim shirt and jeans with cowboy boot's! but I wore sneakers and had long hair so I looked like status quo! lol! and a Suzuki GT 250 with a BELL full faced helmet, and all that was just to be safe when I went to the Disco! lol! Other 70's things I had was a Casio Calculator, a digital Watch/ Radio with a red LED face, and a cassette recorder I use to record the radio on.
@SoloMan Zone: Doc Martins were expensive but good on a Motorcycle, the other stuff yuo mentioned was really Two Tone and Skar never got into that the Doc's were for practical usage.
@mrghoster: I never had an 8 track as was a biker all my youth, but did have a cassette tape, it was great when it ate a tape and you had to use a pen to whined it all back in
@SoloMan Zone: I also had a GT 380 American impport I ut an expansion chamber on that it sounded like a bag of nails on tick over and a Ferrari when it accelerated! lol! Had dozon's of bike over my many years. Got a Royal Enfield Meteor 350 right now, bought and paid for that will see me to the grave I guess, no point on big bike these day's. i also have a little Kymco 125 scoot really useful for shopping and quick runs out for such things. Gave up with car's a long long time ago, financially to much bother and not worth the trouble.
@mrghoster: I had the Susuki 550 triple went light lightening but shit on cornering. Those days the big bikes were the 750cc and of course the 900 Quaker
Do you remeber when you arrived at the Disco it was usually still daylight out side and it was like walking into the Black Hole of Callutta, Rather than entering into the Tunnekl of Love at the fairground. and the corridor would be full of Ugly Chicks waiting to pounce before your eye could adapt to the darkness and all you heard was a panting voice say "Wanna buy me a Drink". Do you remeber they also had chau=irs all round the walls for the WALL FLOWERS, these were chicks that didn't have the balls to ask a guy for a dance or a drink. That was fun if you were with your buddies. We had this thing where you would pick a REALLY ugly Wallflower, get her to smile at you and walk right up to it and grab the chick beside her! lol! In our local disco their was one Wall in the corner that was always damp. we thought the Damp Course was playing up? but I think it was all the TEARS of the rejected Wall flowers myself? I think because when you entered the Disco I said it was like the black Hole of Calcutta, Well I recon that was the origins of having to get a CURRY after the night was over? lol! The carpet in the disco was so sticky with beer spillages you could actually lean over at 45 degrees and ask a chick for a dance without actually having to step up to her! lol! I used to walk home and eventually after a few wrong turns and asking a policeman you would make it, I only lived next door to the disco as well! sometimes if it was raining you might get a bus home and in the morning you could see lot's of Busses with streams of Vomit down the side of the upstairs saloon. It used to strip the paint of the bus thats's why you always see rusty streams ubnder the upstairs windows on buses!
@SoloMan Zone: LOL! I remeber once this fat femon approached me and said do you want to dance? I looked at her and with all my tact said "FUCK OFF" ans laughed, she then said no not with me but my friend. There was this pettit average looking little blonde and when I said NO THNAKS I remeber the look of dissappointment on her face that to tbhis day kinda of still haunts me despite being MGTOW all these decades on, but with hind sight I could guess how it would have turned out! lol!
@mrghoster: We all have had that missed moment, I had a girlfriend I never bonked! wasn't with her for long and she was naturally hot, country femon.....I always have wondered what it would have been like
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Solo Man do you know our chat has taken up most of my or our morning,? And it was brilliant, whos said Disco wouldn't last ! lol! signing off for a Rest good buddy!
It wasn't perfect. society was a bit rougher in those day's but one of the better things today is the Pussification of society means us older Guy's get an easier time? I guess. Mind you when you are a teen even in our time it was all about a good time I guess. didn't do drug's or anything, I was man enough even them unlike today to cry because my latta isn't hot enough like they do today? lol!
Another one Biting the Dust was, was quick regular if it was being drunk or in a fight? remember the Fights usually over a Femon. Never got into it, I was MGTOW even them but didn't know it!
You didn't want to get drunk early in the evening because you may pull a guy with long hair and not a chick and he had started drinking early and was drunk anf=d thought YOU were a chick it could be problematic. It never luckily happened to me but it happened to a work buddy of mine. He had toi put up with the rubbing for weeks! lol! My god do you remeber those Flared trousers or those Oxford bags you could only wear with platform shoes? Those olatforms made walking very dangerous and I guess that is how most guys learned to dance like John Trovalta in saturday night Fever, it actually wasn't dancing but some guy trying to walk properly on them, Thaqt is why you got drunk so the drunken wobble could counter act with the platform shoes and you could walk normally (and no one knew you were drunk) that was a bonus. Then there was those fucking "Bonce Bouncers things that the chicks wore on their heads! lol! They were like long sprunge wire with a plastic ball on the end. You would walk up to a chick to ask her for a dance and if you didn't step back quick enough you could loose a tooth or get a bloody nose! I recon they were a weapon developed for Femon's to ward of attantion. Mind you it wasn't M
Do you remeber when you arrived at the Disco it was usually still daylight out side and it was like walking into the Black Hole of Callutta, Rather than entering into the Tunnekl of Love at the fairground. and the corridor would be full of Ugly Chicks waiting to pounce before your eye could adapt to the darkness and all you heard was a panting voice say "Wanna buy me a Drink". Do you remeber they also had chau=irs all round the walls for the WALL FLOWERS, these were chicks that didn't have the balls to ask a guy for a dance or a drink. That was fun if you were with your buddies. We had this thing where you would pick a REALLY ugly Wallflower, get her to smile at you and walk right up to it and grab the chick beside her! lol! In our local disco their was one Wall in the corner that was always damp. we thought the Damp Course was playing up? but I think it was all the TEARS of the rejected Wall flowers myself? I think because when you entered the Disco I said it was like the black Hole of Calcutta, Well I recon that was the origins of having to get a CURRY after the night was over? lol! The carpet in the disco was so sticky with beer spillages you could actually lean over at 45 degrees and ask a chick for a dance without actually having to step up to her! lol! I used to walk home and eventually after a few wrong turns and asking a policeman you would make it, I only lived next door to the disco as well! sometimes if it was raining you might get a bus home and in the morning you could see lot's of Busses with streams of Vomit down the side of the upstairs saloon. It used to strip the paint of the bus thats's why you always see rusty streams ubnder the upstairs windows on buses!