Bad Photoshop, Camera Vandals, AWOL Number Plates
Interesting Video. The Missing Kate and the photoshop pic? Well let's remember that Willian (Hubby) will become KING when jug ears falls od his purch and as we know HE has Cancer, so this story is something I beklieve to do with that? Either the Giovernment or Kate herself is doing some form of discredtit in some way. She beiong a women is probably behaving shitty like most women do, or Government and the royals want to discredit HER from making trouble, they don't want her as queen or cxonsort to a King. The shape shifting kid's? well they are either royal shape shifter's when you wear your tin foil hat, or the piucture is a fraudulant composit of the family to make it look like it's happy families or she is NOT missing. Maybe like with that old CUNT Philip, jug ears is already dead and they are trying to fill in gaps to make it all seem normal? The picture badly photoshopped was put out because htey thing WE are ALL stupid and wouldn't notice? Your guess is as good as mine but you can be sure irt's all BULLSHIT, that's the only TRUTH here! As fo0r the Numberplate thing? A good way of doing this is to find an old plate on the raodside from an accident or something. Break of all the number part and screw a corner with a hole in it and a partial number to your vehicle and let it hang there. The police if stopped you tell you didn't know you had lost or broken it, thatr is a defense they cant prosicute or fine on, they have to prove the plate wasn'r vandalized or removed. In the case of front plates if they don't fit inb a moulded bumper bend it back like you had parked and hit a curb or something, all they cam make you do is bend it back. If you are goi9ng to do this check out the route a number of times to get the feel for the present's of problems, if you know what I mean? then their is the solar panel signs, dio you know that because the lamps on these panels are LED, you can nick a sola panel from them and use it at home to power a couple of lamps in you home, keeps the lecky bill really low as well! lol!
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