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Barbie Movie is a Nuclear Level Woke Feminist Fantasy That HATES Men

Published on 22 Jul 2023 / In Film & Animation

Warners Bros has doubled down & created the most woke film to ever exist, but why? So let's talk.

Twitter: @EndymionYT
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KEEPER 2 years ago  

now i don't really give a fuck about barbie, but this is what they are teaching the current generation of kids.
but hey, i'm glad to see they are getting yet again more backlash on this woke nonsense.

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Mr_Sluggo 2 years ago

Feminism is PURE CANCER!!!!

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Seamus 2 years ago

In agreeing with the assessment "...All male characters into either slaves of women or villains..", the question might be asked, "Is this more of "Projection" by the writers and producers of the movie, or is it "Reflection" of a primeval psychological algorithm operating within the movies' target audience demographics' mind...(female denature?)

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Menwalkaway 2 years ago

Feminism set men free, It is No longer a mans Required Duty to sacrifice their lives to Help women, Support women Nor Protect women.
Every day on MSM another tradcon women and or Feminist say All men are Toxic violent Pedophile rapist., and you wonder why #menwalkaway

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sauger1001 2 years ago

More like, "Run Forest, Run!" LOL!

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Councilof1 2 years ago

To be honest I haven't been to the movies, thankfully, in over a decade. Not worth the money.

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sauger1001 2 years ago

Yeah. I wouldn't see this movie in ANY era. When Bambi first came out in the early '60s, my mother wanted to take us to see it. My father chose to go fishing instead, and gave my mother enough money for costs of movie, cab fare, etc for everyone else, but I asked my father to take me fishing with him. My mother gave me a hard time, but at 5 or 6yrs old, I asked my father again, and that day, I went fishing with my dad. Whatever floats their boat, but as a masculine guy, unless like my buddy, I'm taking grandchildren, you couldn't pay me to see this feminist pile of sh!t. My buddy's a good teacher to his grandkids, so I think it may end better with them than me. I'm still a bit rough about these types of movies.

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KEEPER 2 years ago

I'm actually the same way, for me it's been about 15ish years since I've gone to the movies, I find it to be a waste of time money and it's just a lot of movies nowadays suck ass, they let's just put this way I find more value in a video game then a movie, a video game is a one-time payment typically, and you can play that game as much as you want forever, although I don't suggest you go and spend 50 or 60 or $70 on a game, to me that's just really stupid especially these days when you can't really own the game and you can't really resell the game, there's no resale value It's All Digital crap, so I would suggest wait a few years for that game to go on a 90% off sale or you can purchase everything for super cheap, I do this almost every year, they'll be a list of games that I've had on my wish list for a really long time and I'll pick and choose which ones I want in that list after several years have gone by for those games, some of them I don't get at all because I heard about them or I researched about them and they were kind of garbage, but some of them are actually really good and they're a good value, but the least I have spent on a game is about roughly what a tick a movie ticket was back in the early 2000s, that's how worthless going to the movies is for me. Besides you can get that shit for free on one of the free websites where they just have ads or whatever, or you can always pirate them no big deal. But then again the entertainment industry has just been trashed for the last decade straight, it's really hard to find good movies and shows that you're even interested in seeing in the first place, yeah it's that bad.

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