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Bare Witness Pt. 3: She's Gonna Fork You!

35 Ansichten
Veröffentlicht auf 24 Aug 2024 / Im Spiel

Game: Bare Witness (Steam,

I did rant a little through this one, but we got to the next day anyway. And yeah, it's SFW.

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WMHarrison94 7 Monate vor

Damn,, she's Hawaiian? and a dancer?! Sweet Fire dancing? Damn... this dude is like lucky as fuck...and they're still in New York state? Damn, I'm surprised this isn't another Japanese harem anime?!

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WMHarrison94 7 Monate vor

and he cooks... I like it. I prefer Alfredo lingini or angel hair over spaghetti... but I can make both from scratch. I have a Philadelphia cream cheese recipe for Alfredo.

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