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Bare Witness Pt. 6: Move Your Big Ass, Girl!

Published on 01 Oct 2024 / In Gaming

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WMHarrison94 5 months ago

What do you mean that's a good way to wake up? I mean sure titties in your face, but don't they usually test your morning wood, er magic wand?! And you comment about AVN, I thought quality control and testing would be a good fit for you... and social media advertising and play through on the side... Jeese, I like bought five or seven games from watching you... Evil Within 1+2 but had not started, Lust Academy and Treasures of Nadia I bought right before you started playing... Genesis Order! had not started and that slayer one Tran sorry Victor Vran, Being a DIK, Lust Theory- I meant to buy that other Lust one, Sakura no Morti Dreamers 1+2, and Fresh Women and Bare Witness... forgot I bought them. I am glad that Treasures of Nadia and Genesis Order can play on my Steam Deck... so thanks Grim. I even had that one where the mafia forces you to work for them and you decided to seduce the mafia princesses in my WishList... when I saw it I immediately remembered your game play. Oh, what's that Goddess one where you are love Champion in another world with a big tittied Final Fantasy girl Antia wasn't? I remember Robert Patteson mentioning it the big tittied chick who dies for you when he was trying to get audiences to go watch his Batman but the Kravitz actress pissed me off in the interview. I think he was copying the Witcher and Man of Steel actor as he did talk about 40k War Hammer and Witcher when he started... damn. His name slipped my mind. Well, time for some sleep. When I get a chance I was playing ocean diving games; just bought Dave the Diver but I have no room right now. Once I move, I think I'll upgrade my Steam Deck from 512 GB to 1 TB. Anyways, thanks for the entertainment. I decided if we don't have nuclear war in January... I'll start scrapping some "internet" spending money maybe about $30 a month for you alt media content providers $5 -10 a month I think and sharpen up my internet presence and video recording game... Just got some books to read for my videos. Somehow, I'll watch your Cyberpunk 2077? play through when I can fit it in... Oh... it was said Sandman got purged from YT?!

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Grims Dungeon Of Degeneracy

Wow, man. That's a mouthful! And thanks! I guess it would be great for me to test these games and such, but there isn't much money in that either. Anything helps mate, no one's obligated to donate, but if you want to - it means a lot, man. Oppaiman has taught me that there are more of these games out there than I'd ever be able to cover in my lifetime. So I just have fun covering the ones I can and leave it like that.

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WMHarrison94 5 months ago

@Grims Dungeon Of Degeneracy: Yeah, I found a Lust Goddess on Steam.. I might try to play it on my Steam Deck butbI just bought a wireless controller for my fastestvcomputer which is a 2in1. So. Between that Dave the Diver... once a week hopefully. .

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WMHarrison94 5 months ago

Is Mora able to pay for all that from Uber...? She must have some kind of scholarship to help out or student loans. I can see your red headed table top gamer moving in with you sharing your bed and showers...

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WMHarrison94 5 months ago

Damn... maybe I've been playing and watching too many hentai or Uncanny Valley games, when your couz asked about gym works, I immediately thought of Grim bending her over a bench and well... helping her burn some calories! LOL!

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WMHarrison94 5 months ago

Don't worry Grim, your dick is Nature's joystick or a magic wand that gets you in trouble... God knows I knew too many Goth girls myself and witches too... It's like there is a Destiny or something... and she pulls your dick where she wants you... LOL! Destiny that is...

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