Bars are paying the Men to go to dating events, and if you think a divorce was bad...
Published on 12 Mar 2025 / In
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I'd consider Martha Stewart for a quickie... at least she could cook. I would say if a bitch is a feminist, I say minus five to six points.. The three you keep talking about, I'd fuck her or at least mouthfuck her if I was a prison guard and she was an inmater. Outside of that, never.
Hmmm. Matbe if she dies in prison or escaping it, he can go find her haunted ass as a 3? Her titties are small.. what does her ass look like?
No. The Use Once VISA card won't activate it. I tried something similiar. No. They make you buy a reuseable VISA and register before you can use it. I used to pay for mefda streaming via gift cards only namely because these companies and corporations charge your credit cards whenever they fucking feel like it. I had problems with my XM Sirius account after my credit card was turned off-- I still had not got a reason over two years later. I was only able to pay off XM Sirius after they turned the gift card acceptance back on: Now, they won't stop bombarding my email with all sort of specials and deals...
Thank God your imaginary girlfriend, Jana Hocking didn't get a mention in this episode....
"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Fuck Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo - not her again!"
I saw this in the movies: Woman, er whore fucks criminal.bad boy. Whore gets badboy to kill husband/boyfriend/grandfather/uncle or mother: short time after badboys does the deed, they flee to another country. Badboy dies. Oh dear, Oh MY!?!