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Based Gen Z Chic Speaks FACTS!

Published on 24 Jun 2024 / In Entertainment

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profhugodegaris 8 months ago

The core idea of masculism is that it is a rebellion by men against being man slaves to women, working for women for decades of men's lives. Thanks to men (i.e. men's invention of science-based medicine, the pill, household gadgets, higher education), women now have a career window of half a century, so masculists tell women, "Now that you women CAN work, you MUST work. Anything else is man slavery, and man slavery will get you killed, slowly, by being totally ignored, not even pumped and dumped, left rotting on the shelf. Masculists demand that women FIP up (FIP = financially independent person) or be ignored, but children have to be grown and raised, so how to square this circle?
By applying the masculist MCT to women, e.g. for an upper middle-class woman, this would go as follows. She gets her master's degree at 23 in a career competent field. For the next 5 years she works in that field, earning good money, and marrying. She has her first kid at 29 and her second at 31, thus fulfilling her civic duty to reproduce the next generation (or we wipe ourselves out). When her second kid is 4 and off to kindergarten, she returns to her career competent profession, so as not to be a fluffie, man slaving, divorce raping, parasite off her husband. During the 6 years she is at home raising the kids, the government gives her a hefty motherhood wage, to make up for the loss of income to the family, when she stops work. For masculists, fluffies are seen as man slaving, divorce raping, vermin, truly hated, and a war issue, to be wiped out.

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