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Bashir El Assad Just Destroyed Trump’s Presidency With The Powers Of Incels


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Published on 16 Dec 2024 / In People & Blogs

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Hold The Truth Hostage
Hold The Truth Hostage 2 months ago

Been Awhile Whats Up Bro happy holidays

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It's in women's DNA to love tall men that are capable of using violence to "protect" them. They cannot really love men who are just responsible fathers, hardworking men, adventurous, or socially outgoing. The jews and Italians civilized white people aka north Europeans, backfired and they almost got destroyed both. Most whites are pussies only care to be popular fit in, only 1 percent are either like us in mgtow or become interesting thinkers and innovators, or just good people that don't do curry/nigga/anglobitch shit (coined from cool site anglobitchthesis). I think will get a Jewish or Italian/greek woman only if it's for breeding. With white Slavic women they give birth to men with round skulls, flat faces, alcohol loving... then anglo/Irish women well just look at american women with oofy doofies or doouchebag loser lovers (would be incel in other era, maybe karma?), Dutch/german women seem to find Africans "hot" and "masculine" and have no real spirituality, big pirk eaters (kosher outside, not kosher inside, civilized outside, rotten empty inside).

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Alex568 2 months ago

Women are simple and just act on instinct. "Most whites are pussies only care to be popular fit in" It's pathetic how cowardly and fake/superficial they are; they have no honour or principles and will throw you under the bus in an instant...And their women have a weird obsession with dark and primitive races. That fetish doesn't really exist in East Asia, where the women value a good looking, presentable man, and not a subhuman apeman...

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@Alex568: I'm the only one saying it. White people aka north Europeans most of their history was barbarian, if you want to appeal to an average white american woman the reason why you have to act like an asshole manly man is because that's how they are programmed. All those movies about vikings they are doing nigger shit just killing, raping, tattoos, metal music. The movies about Rome its about strategy, building civilization, beautiful culture. Chinks had an ancient civilization, it's programmed in them. I say if you want to a ladies man or just get one woman in America, 1) look like a viking or barbarian if you are ethnic, 2) act like a viking or barbarian if you are ethnic.

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@Alex568: in Torah, japeth is father of white people. Torah is based says Jacob literally hated the canaanites like Indians and sadistic totalitarian chinks, descendants of canaanites. Meds come from Javan, the beautiful culture, science, philosophy, beauty. Gomer are your dumb, brutish, common, easy to manipulate anglo. Magog you get the vikings, then Russians. Gog and magog world War 3. Torah said be careful with them, will destroy the world. Happened with Rome, world War 2, Jewish people destruction because many were marrying shiksas and abandoning Torah study.

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@Alex568: its literally back to Bible or back to the jungle. White people aka norsemen for most of history have been niggers. Hebrews are the real white people, Hebrews 3000 years ago had philosophy, technology, moral master morality patriarchy, the norse and celts 3000 years ago were niggers starving most advanced thing for them was growing potatoes. Ok now north Europe is developed and has an economy low crime rates, but they cannot control their women like Hebrews do, it's not in their DNA. That's why white women love drug dealers, stoner tattooed anorexic musicians because they were programmed as niggers from the start, hence the term snow-nigger, snow-bunny.

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Alex568 2 months ago

@BasedEscortCel100: It's crazy how they allow their daughters to sleep with negroes/pajeets/white trash; thus destroying their own bloodlines....

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@Alex568: yeah, all that sacrifice and time raising their daughters, teaching them basic reading and math, to get with a super duper magical negro, currycel pajeet, sadistic chink, or white trash. Anglo philosophy is pretty cucked. Parents hoping their daughter brings home a nice, smart, protective and compatible looksmatched guy. Just leave it to a woman's free will, oh boy it's truly over. Maybe it's reincarnation you can tell by phiosonomy that some anglo women (10-20% ) have snowbunny appearance were shaniquas in previous life, reincarnated to suburban or hood white girl, or karma because boomers were smug malicious-for-no-reason lying assholes , or even just like Covid some normie-soy ultra NT hivemind thing come together as one become so ugly that they will want to attack God (the jews representatives of God).

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11mangogreentea 2 months ago

"short brown fugly" - r u talkin bout St. Hamudi? PBUH. lol

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Dallas_LooksMaxxer 2 months ago

Saint Hamudi is actually surprisingly light-skinned. Also, if he would just drop the weight, get a hair transplant and get lasek he'd be a normie. He's tall as well I believe

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11mangogreentea 2 months ago

Yoyoyo homie yo

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hndsoff 2 months ago

Crusades were defensive against Islamic invasion, you can see it with your own eyes following the date and location of battles

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