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Bates was right about the eye

Published on 30 Jan 2025 / In Film & Animation

The optometrists are lying about how vision works. If you know the truth you will be able to fix your vision.
Years ago, my brother told me he suspected that reading harmed vision. Much later when I started homeschooling my son in the fall of 2022. I checked his vision and from the kitchen table he could see the clock on the stove. After about a month the clock started to get blurry. I started to look online on ways to help his vision. I found places that recommended eye exercises and resting your eyes every 20 minutes by looking 20 feet away for 20 seconds. That seemed to slow down how fast his eyes were going bad. Until January of 2023. In the winter his eyes really deteriorated. I have learned since then that that is a common issue for people. I had him do more resting of his eyes but his eyes continue to get worse. By April 2023 His eyes got so bad that he could not see the clock on the stove from half the distance as the beginning of the school year. At this point I became very worried and started trying to find anything online. I ran across the NIH article. After learning about reading glasses helping with myopia, I was able to find a bunch more things on that. Some people online said even adults with bad vision could improve their vision, other people said no. So, in May 2023 both me and my son began wearing reading glasses. My son's vision was at 20/80 for both eyes starting out and we saw good gains at first and his vision improved to about 20/60. Gains were slower and it took about six months for his eyes to go down to about 20/30. The beginning of 2024 Saw no improvement and some worsening of his eyes. After some time, we realized that this coincided with him being on an antibiotic for acne. He went off the antibiotic and his eyes began to improve again. In August 2024 he was able to see the 20/20 line of the eye chart for the first time. How good his eyes are depends on his stress, if he's sick, how he's been using his eyes in the last few days, and lighting conditions.
The story of my eyes is a little different. My eyes started going bad when I was in fifth grade, which is also when I started reading a lot. My eyes got steadily worse until college when they stabilized at about -6.75 for both eyes. When I read online that some adults have been able to improve their vision, I became hopeful. I remembered having if two optometrists that recommended not wearing negative lenses when I read. I even had one optometrist as a child who tried to train me to relax my eyes. Unfortunately, my mother did not want me to lose my glasses and told me to wear them all the time. Also, I did not understand why the optometrists tried to teach me to relax my eyes. I had been told myopia was genetic. So, in May of 2023 I started wearing weak reading glasses +1.5 over my contact lenses. I learned how to get flashes of clarity, and I increased the plus lenses +2.75 over my contacts. Once I was able to get flashes of clarity with this, I ditched my contacts and plus lenses and went to -4 (I started at -6.75) lenses without contacts. After I was able to get flashes of clarity with the -4 I dropped the glasses altogether unless I drove. I learned to focus on items and see a blurry Halo around them but bring the actual image into focus. Sometimes I did have double vision, or multiple images, although that is less common now. Flashes of clarity have become more common; starting with about one flash of clarity per day, now in good lighting outside I can get flashes of clarity multiple times per minute. The Halo that I see most of the time around objects is fading the longer I have not been wearing glasses and commonly goes away in good lighting now.
My daughter started reading a lot last year. I did not want her vision to go bad so I told her to wear +1.5 reading glasses her vision was 20/20. After about a month her vision improved 20/15. But she started complaining that when she did close in work without her glasses her eyes hurt so I had her switch to +1 reading glasses. She liked to read in the dark, which I told her to not do but she did it anyways. Her vision kept improving and a couple of months ago she had 20/10 vision. Also, she was once again complaining that her eyes bothered her when she did close and work without glasses. Now I have her wearing +.5 lenses when reading. Because of my daughter reading in dim lighting conditions, I paid attention to how I see when reading. And I found that I can hold a book further away when in bright light then in dim light, just like if I'm wearing a stronger prescription of reading glasses when reading. Because of this I started having my son read in dimmer lighting conditions and it seems to be helping but we just started doing this. So, my conclusions and assumptions about what I think is happening for vision are as follows. I think Bates (perfect vision book) was correct that the eyeball changes shape to focus. I think the Oblique eye muscle actually stretches in order for the eye to shorten. I have a Halo is because my brain needs to figure out which cones and rods it needs to pay attention too. The reason I can focus on the real image is because my eye can change to the right shape now. Over time the Halo is getting fainter. In good lighting conditions I can see near 20/20 sometimes. But most of the time I see 20/50 in good lighting. In poor lighting or dim conditions my vision is about 20/200 20/50. Starting out I was at something like 20/600 in good lighting. The things that seemed to affect my vision the most are getting natural sunlight daily, low stress, alcohol consumption, how tired I am, and contrast in what I'm viewing. I hope that this information is of some use to you! For me I like the Bates method (not including the sun gazing.) My son has had a hard time being able to focus on an object to create a Halo. I think it is because his vision isn't bad enough. I have tried having him wear readers and try to relax his eyes to bring things into focus with the Halo with the readers with only limited success. Kids seem to have a hard time figuring out how to relax the eyes. So, for him and my daughter I am relying on the edge of blur print push method.
The only Face book groups that are not very censored are "Reverse Myopia - Unrestricted Group(Improve Eyesight & Myopia) did not remove my post. All the other ones that I tried did.
Also, I like the guy in this video: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=x5Efg42-Qn0
This guy's whole channel I found good: https://youtu.be/S0rXN4C-sKY?feature=shared
Here are some more resources, some are better than others. [www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/artic....les/PMC6508883/](htt
iblindness.org myopia.org
“Perfect Vision: The Original Bates Method Classic Revised into Plain English” by Arnold MD L Ac, Michael
Final thoughts, some months I saw no gains. I am having to work on it constantly. It is the hardest, mentally challenging thing I have ever done. Most people think I am deluding myself. Some days (especially early on) I believe them, but my benchmarks like how far away I can see the clock and car license plates prove I am improving. I also hung an eye chart in the kitchen.

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