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Battery powered EV bus bursts into flames - There is no way to put the fire out -

Published on 21 Apr 2022 / In Film & Animation


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Naaaa I'll take the Hindenburg thanks.
It's looks safer.

All Jesting Aside - to the best of my knowledge, there are lithium batteries that can explode and flame away and there are formulations that don't burn. I think the issue is energy density and the not so awesome batteries that don't hold as much power, don't burn...

So they use the nuclear option batteries.

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3 years ago

People have been sold a fantasy about what to expect from electric vehicles. Lithium-ion batteries fulfill that fantasy to a degree BUT, have too many negatives to make them feasible on a large scale. They are not recyclable, Lithium is mined in politically-unstable countries, they are prone to fires, and they are not fault tolerant. *IMO* we need to return to LEAD-ACID BATTERIES as the prime power for vehicles AND readjust people's expectations of what battery-powered vehicles can do. Lead-Acid batteries are 100% recyclable, the technology is mature and proven, the materials can be sourced domestically, and are very fault tolerant. I'm sure that Lead-Acid batteries can be improved upon but, they will always be heavy and that's just something the buyer will have to accept. Lithium-ion is good for small devices and power tools and that should be it.

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@InfiniteMushroom: That video of the flames coming out of the bus's burning battery bank - it's too much... It's a fucking nightmare. Lead-acid batteries ARE good, but their limited energy density and large size and great weight, when compared to the better lithium batteries, make the lead acids a poor second - in terms of long range transport etc. Without delving into the history too much, I recall that people were making lead acid batteries in 1859 or something... and and .

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@InfiniteMushroom: People are researching other metal batteries like sodium and such like, instead of lithium.

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3 years ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: The relatively ancient technology of lead-acid makes it perfect going forward. The future will be one of rapid descent; not improvement or higher tech. It will become mandatory to recover forgotten, expired, or mature technologies as we fall into the Abyss. Steam requires far less technical and industrial input to create prime movers of that type. Lead-acid, same thing. Expectations will have to drop accordingly. It will take political action to force the predatory Top 1% to share in the collapse and force them to get reacquatainted with real horsepower (animal power) for personal transportation.

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3 years ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: Elemental sodium is DANGEROUS. Again, we have these exotic batteries that hide incredible costs and depend on unreliable supply chains.

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@InfiniteMushroom: Sodium is dangerous but in form used inside the batteries, they don't catch fire, they are safe to handle and store and although wayh bigger and heavier, the raw materials are basically dirt cheap and are abundant.

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If your anywhere near them - these fucking brain dead people who go, "Oh my god, Oh my god - what is going on?" - there is NO time to fuck around...

From the time these battery banks start burning, to the time they hit nuclear mode is very short and the moment you see it starting - jam on the brakes - through the floor boards - with all four wheels locked up and smoking to a stop, then get out and fucking RUN.... Look up the other vids I have put up... electric fire

Frightening - very bad.

See this video.

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Fuck that is frightening.....

Like a standard "bus fire" with the interior and the diesel fuel blazing away is pretty tame...
But these are BIG rocket engine type blow torch effects....

Fuck that. As in Fuck that totally.

When these battery packs go up.... it's just RUN.

Just get the fuck out of there.

Straight away.

Because the battery packs go from "pop bang fizz" and a puff of smoke - to a monster blow torch in only a few seconds....

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sauger1001 3 years ago

Bye Bye Bus. Could be made into a song by The Cars. Lol.

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bigintol03 3 years ago


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Yeah - Like what can you say...... I don't think electric vehicles are bad, but there have been quite a few house fires from people charging up their scooters, bicycles and cars etc. AND these are savage fires..... I have put a couple of others up here.... Same thing - the only difference is that the bigger the battery bank, the more savage the fires....

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If your anywhere near them - these people who go, "Oh my god, Oh my god - what is going on?" - From the time they start to the time they hit nuclear mode is very short and the moment you see it starting - jam on the brakes - like ALL fuck, then get out and RUN.... Look up the other vids I have put up... electric fire

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Come to think of it, this has to be about the best selling point you could ever find for an electric vehicle......

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