Battery powered EV bus bursts into flames - There is no way to put the fire out -
Published on 21 Apr 2022 / In
Film & Animation
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Naaaa I'll take the Hindenburg thanks.
It's looks safer.
All Jesting Aside - to the best of my knowledge, there are lithium batteries that can explode and flame away and there are formulations that don't burn. I think the issue is energy density and the not so awesome batteries that don't hold as much power, don't burn...
So they use the nuclear option batteries.
If your anywhere near them - these fucking brain dead people who go, "Oh my god, Oh my god - what is going on?" - there is NO time to fuck around...
From the time these battery banks start burning, to the time they hit nuclear mode is very short and the moment you see it starting - jam on the brakes - through the floor boards - with all four wheels locked up and smoking to a stop, then get out and fucking RUN.... Look up the other vids I have put up... electric fire
Frightening - very bad.
See this video.
Fuck that is frightening.....
Like a standard "bus fire" with the interior and the diesel fuel blazing away is pretty tame...
But these are BIG rocket engine type blow torch effects....
Fuck that. As in Fuck that totally.
When these battery packs go up.... it's just RUN.
Just get the fuck out of there.
Straight away.
Because the battery packs go from "pop bang fizz" and a puff of smoke - to a monster blow torch in only a few seconds....
Bye Bye Bus. Could be made into a song by The Cars. Lol.
Come to think of it, this has to be about the best selling point you could ever find for an electric vehicle......