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Published on 10 Apr 2021 / In How-to & Style

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Doggk 4 years ago  

#My people die because of their lack of knowledge... -Yeshua

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anonmachina 4 years ago

'God gonna sit you down'.

I don't subscribe.

However, if anyone insists I go visit their home for prayer, I may be compelled to go.

Of course, when I show up, I may be tempted to say, 'It's me, Mickey'.

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anonmachina 4 years ago

He was a 'hard-headed nigger, nope--I don't learn'.

His words.

I was listening to that entire album...the night before he died.

Though otherwise rational, I occasionally listen to 1990s rap...because...my friend, Damien. LOL.

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AbyssWatcher 4 years ago

Hey, we need to address the elephant in the room....DMX...made SEVERAL poor decisions that led him to this. First off all it was not weed that led him to this; he took some other drugs. Also....He knew he was gonna Overdose but did it anyway but no one is thinking ..why did he overdose?? What would make this guy want to kill himself even though he is "christian"?? Although I don't give a f about christianity. Perhaps he was about to get put through the ringer again?? Hmm...another bitch about to put him on child support?? Or was metoo about to be used to target his ass because of all these other females in the USA he had slept with that were now plotting to steal his money? Or the previous hoes he knocked up are coming back to take him to the family court to steal more of his money?? Hmm hmm hmm...this looks like a potential future of puas, blue pill simps and the smash and dash groups

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Doggk 4 years ago

You're right on some points.. But never forget that we aren't perfect bro ;-)

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4_ArchAngel 4 years ago

I am SO unlike you. I am 70 and I actually DO live in the inner city. I know ancientsea, and U BLOCKED him whne he spoke up. I KNOW what BS for easy money these dark-skinned are. U play to the culture, for advantage. The advantage is always for those with MONEY. I disagree with their paradigm.

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Doggk 4 years ago

I blocked him because he couldn't express himself without being disrespectful to me even when I told him to watch his words and be polite.. He insulted me several times so I blocked him.. I have no time for low class people like him.. Darkskin people are not that different from any other race when it comes to BS.. BS is a human thing ! So I would really appreciate that you hold your racist comments for yourself.. + Dude you're 70 why are you wasting your last years with stupid insignificant beefs of unbalanced people like ancientsea.. Why do you let yourself be manipulated by such unstable individuals like him to do his dirty jobs.. This dude is younger than you and sends a 70 year old man to send his message to me.. Aren't you ashamed ?? Focus on your shit, old man.. DMX died at 50 be glad you're 70 and still didn't die.. If I had your age I would definitely focus on more important things instead of stupid beefs.. https://24.media.tumblr.com/b2....3865e792bc5eca893cd8

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