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Beautiful Waifus Should Entertain Gamers Not Be REALISTIC and RELATABLE to Feminists

Published on 02 Jul 2024 / In Gaming

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usr6874038614 13 hours ago

Same as always : the uglies not able to accept that men look at beauties, women invading and destroying male spaces, women not knowing when to close their barn. Been going on since the dawn of humanity.

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sbseed 2 days ago

feminist crossdressing woody allen needs to be shot...

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sbseed 2 days ago

ted talks, the place where intelligence goes to die and then becomes a intellectual black hole or a inverted intelligence.

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JMGTOW 2 days ago

bitches should go back to playing their cooking mama's, candy crushes, and whatever shit games.

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WMHarrison94 2 days ago

Well, women are being harmed, but by feminist women and retarded, man-hating feminazis... so like I said, FUCK OFF!

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