Because Republicans are Stupid
Published on 07 Mar 2024 / In
Film & Animation
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I'm just a slave human. No allies, no party. At the end of the day every human is out for themselves. There's very few good people out there in today's overpopulated world where there's no land left to flee to.
When people say they are DEMONcrats or Repubcucks I just laugh. Brainwashed, game'd, played, and hustled is what they are. If you're a man you are a tax slave. If you are woman you are a pampered welfare sponge. It's that simple. If you are a child then your future is F'ed because your parents are most likely idiot breeders who are blindly positive and expect their children to have any type of good future. While also neglecting them and sending them to the dreadful experience of schools instead of love + homeschooling moms. Your options are minimum wage, unemployment UBI, or suicide. Eventually women's free welfare will run out as well. At least you made it past the abortion cut I suppose? But are the aborted really that unfortunate? Or are they spared from all of this?