Becoming a 'Man of Steel'
Published on 28 Jan 2021 / In
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Truth! Awesome!
Trying to talk sensibly to a female is fucking hard work, then you are accused of MANSPAINING! So I just don't bother anymore. If a women ask's me a question she gets told to go to Google Search! lol!
If I was approached by an Elite, I would sign up tomorrow. funny hand shakes and rolled up pant's leg the lot! Anything to escape these fucking MORON's and NPC's out their. women have forgotten the meaning or TRUE equality as well? "Everything in it's place" was true equality, MEN worked women shit babies and cooked to keep the MAN strong and working. I bet a lot of those dopie CUNT's are wishing they could be Housewives sitting on their asses all day and having to do a few chore's occasionally? lol! well that ain't gonna come back at anytime. They have created their great new world of gynocentrism so they must live with it with sugar daddy government. the forgotten MAN is doing his own thing now so fuck the lot of them!
An NPC is more intelligent than the average MEAT SUIT! lol! I do look at other's as NPC's or space filler's for my existence, Cant think of any other use for the CUNT's but to waste or fill space around that VOID between their fucking ear's!
Here in the UK I think the basic number for intelligence generally is in the minus figures! lol! People are so FUCKING stupid and MORONIC. since becoming MGTOW Monk I am REALLY noticing it more now? There simplest of knowledge in basic shit is sub human, things like not being able to change a fuse, or check the oil and water on a car. Talking of which if you want to see how fucking DUMB humans are becoming just put them behind a wheel of a car! lol! i like to watch and have a good laugh at those YT Car crash video's, what to see "RETARDED" just watch a few of those! lol!