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Beer Night News

Published on 25 Nov 2022 / In Film & Animation
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James1225 2 years ago

Beware the frozen yogurt, inked skin canvass, land whale, Brazilian Judge for the patriarchs are always guilty of the femons sins….

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 2 years ago

Judged by a sinner

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WMHarrison94 2 years ago

I thought she judging men by shape, length, texture, stroke, techniques, and taste... my bad.

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mrghoster 2 years ago

The Tattoo'd Judge tell's you why Brazier (Sorry Brazil), is so fucking corrupt!

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 2 years ago

Wonder how she got the job

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mrghoster 2 years ago

@SoloMan Zone: Not to hard to work out! lol! Entitlement with a little help from some DICK I expect?

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WMHarrison94 2 years ago

@SoloMan Zone: She's showing you in the pose, on her knees.

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mrghoster 2 years ago

If they sat the fat bitch at the back of the polane the could take off with a shorter runway as the nose would get up quicker, kinda compensation for her getting up the Airlines Nose you could say! Can you onaging if she farted that would over power the air conditioning and break it as well!" The plane would take of with flat tyre's as well! I guess she couldn't take the bus either as she wouldn't fit down the center isle!

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 2 years ago

Femons are proud of their Over, over sized bodies, it empowering

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mrghoster 2 years ago

@SoloMan Zone: I would think the only thing Empowering qabout a body like that is the smell of B/O!

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mrghoster 2 years ago

Rich or Poor MEN dream of losing the Wife - As to how is not important! Take my Ex and going back nearly 35 years now, I had to sit in the living room sweating my Bollocks of because she was Cold and that was in the summer! lol1 and as I was a simp way back then I was also paying for the heat we didn't really need to use. Women are like repities' they are Cold Blooded Creatures as well. I recon in the bible when adam and Eve did it for the first time it was without Adam nknowing bevcause it was the Serpent that actually SHAGGED Eve as Adam was the worlds first SIMP. He didn't know this as there were no more MEN around to compare with. but as I say femon's are so COLD BLOODED because Eve was Shagged by the Serpent! lol! This is probably also why femons want BIG long dicks because it reminds them sub consciously of the Serpent! lol! P)oor old Adam, you see MEN have been abused since the start. Ther poor bastard had a RIB stolen and that became the Femon, she then knibbled from the apple and even after god's warning disobeyed. To this day Femon's are exactly the same and thanks to simp Adam have been SHIT on from the creation of MAN or should that be the creation of the FEMON? Later on Femon's got shagged by fallen angel's which say's a lot about the bitches attitudes! lol!

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 2 years ago

A very different take on the Bible and a more entertaining and truthful one I think

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mrghoster 2 years ago

@SoloMan Zone: Certainly a more reasonable and logical take.

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WMHarrison94 2 years ago

@mrghoster: not really. The Bible was edited in the past before Christ's coming down and Cosplaying with the Jews, which is really unhealthy considering they killed His ass. There was Lilith. Adam's first wife and equal, but she did not like taking it missionary all the time. The Story is recorded in ghe Alphabet of Ben Suri I want to say -- if Adam had the foresight of Cowgirl or Reverse Cowgirl, I get he was riding cows or horses, but still shit would be better.. Unfortunately, Lilith told Adam and God of Israel to fuck off and later died becoming the mother of monsters. Man, some women hate you do much even Death can't stop them...

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mrghoster 2 years ago

@WMHarrison94: Yep! know all about Lilith the first wife of Adam. So the first women in history was a complete psycho bitch it seems's! lol! I have posted on my channel the Story of Lilith a way back.

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WMHarrison94 2 years ago

@mrghoster: I wish it was the bestseller Jacob's story about marrying the two sister became. Perhaps, men and history would have been better... Then again, if greedy Israelite royalty did not edit out Asherah the Tree of Life, God of Israel's wife, perhaps these hoes would not have harbored five millenniums of hate towards men. Bitches be bitching bitches I guess. Making babies and sandwiches is so Paleolithic!

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sauger1001 2 years ago

4:40. My guess is she may have been a judge in strip teasing contests.

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 2 years ago

She belongs to the streets

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