Beer Talk
Published on 04 Mar 2023 / In
Film & Animation
Best beer on the market
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The MEN have regained the power because the femon wont bring anything to the table. the result is MEN in their million#s have WALKED, and bought that Car they always wanted or a Motorcycle or boat, anyways something that is actually useful and wont let them down anytime soon. femons have absolutely no power anymore. Oh yeh, they can cry wolf on a MAN but that is not power especially if these is no MAN to cry wolf against. they don't call huMANity MANkind for nothing! lol!
These 'too big to fail' companies are not worrying at all. The government will bail if things didn't work for them. With certain party members in the board and fat 'severance package' are guaranteed despite deliberately losing money, why should they? Screw the investor, fool the customer.
Modern pee sleeves just “ain’t” marketable, most if not all belong in that section reserved for well used and damaged merchandise. I like my drinkable spirits of higher proof, no diversity or wokeness on the labels….