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Red Pills 11 - RedKnight

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Being extremely disrespected shouldn't be tolerated by you: stand up for yourself

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Published on 28 Jul 2023 / In People & Blogs

stop being disrespected, don't tolerate disrespect

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NeoGeoGamer 2 years ago

He's right that it comes from the false doctrine of forgiveness. Does it come from Christianity? Yes, sadly. The bullshit artists in man-dresses, who call themselves the clergy, made this doctrine up. In the gospels, Jesus never calls for forgiveness without repentance. And we're shown examples of repentance, too: the tax collector. The tax collector repented for his robbery by repaying everyone he robbed fourfold. There is no room for interpretation here, Jesus doesn't expect anyone to forgive someone who doesn't repent, and the standard for repentance is high.
The great tragedy here is that we don't have real Christianity in the west, maybe we don't have real Christianity anywhere. If I find it, I'll tell people.

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