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redpills pt 13 - TheRedKnight

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being single hurts...

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Published on 22 Nov 2023 / In People & Blogs

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Mustang 11 months ago

Bro, you are DECEIVED!!!!!!
There are millions, if not billions of men who have girlfriends or wives who would love to give them to you!!!
There are millions, if not billions of married men who thought getting married would fullfil them and make them complete and found out that it was a big lie that they believed.
You are guilty of worshipping Pussy. Stop it!!! Man up for Pete's sake!!!
You are guilty of Idol Worship. Ask Jesus to forgive you.
Having a girlfriend will increase your headaches and hassles and stress.
Having a girlfriend will drag you down as you strive to be successful in life.
A girlfriend does not care about you and your hopes, dreams, desires, and goals in life. SHE ONLY CARES ABOUT HERSELF!!!
304's are faithless, disloyal Creatures who will only break your heart. Do you really want a Relationship with that???

Bro, I don't want to put you down or hurt your feelings but you need to man up and stop being a Simp. I wish you the best.

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