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Bella Thorne The Simp Slayer - MGTOW

Published on 03 Sep 2020 / In People & Blogs

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Bella Thorne Apologizes to OnlyFans Users

Mystery Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hld-7oBn3Rk

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video isn't brought to you by any donations. Covid the coof strikes again. So I thought I'd cover a topic all of you want me to cover. That of course is Bella Thorne the Hollywood thot that pulled in two million dollars on OnlyFans by posting a that she would share a photo set with no clothes and nudity and she charged $200 dollars to access it. Within 24 hours she pulled in over a million dollars. I spoke before about how nudity and sex would be no big deal in the future as Onlyfans would normalize such things. But she never delivered the photos and made a lot of simps angry and I'm sure that most of them will get their money back. She later apologized by saying this and I quote: “I wanted to remove the stigma behind sex, sex work, and the negativity that surrounds the word SEX itself by bringing a mainstream face to it,” the actress wrote on Twitter. “That’s what I was trying to do, to help bring more faces to the site to create more revenue for content creators on the site.” She went on, “I wanted to bring attention to the site And in trying to do this I hurt you. I have risked my career a few times to remove the stigma behind sex work, porn, and the natural hatred people spew behind anything sex related. I wrote and directed a porn against the high brows of my peers and managers because I WANTED to help.” unquote. Her simp scam was so grand that Onlyfans has now limited the amount of money sex workers can actually charge. I see this incident the way I see Will Smith going onto YouTube and becoming a YouTuber. In the future I'm predicting that many Hollywood actresses are going to go on OnlyFans and use it to make millions of dollars stripping. Of course her appology is probably nothing more than virtue signalling and plausible deniability for her thotery as she's now being nicknamed the simp slayer on messaging boards. You really have to be a stupid simp if you're buying The photos would eventually be released everywhere else on the web within days or hours. You'd see it on google image search pretty fast. I guess that a simp and his money is soon parted. Anyways, before I get to more about this story let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW's Guide To Retiring on 200k in Southeast Asia: Anyways, now back to the clown world show. So yes Bella Thorne is from a new younger generation that's open to pornography directing a film herself and her intent was to “normalize the stigmas” around sex by going onto onlyfans. But she broke Onlyfans and now there's a whole bunch of angry women on Onlyfans that are going to have restrictions placed on how much money they can make. Thanks Bella. People will no doubt fight the credit card charges so how much of the two million dollars she gets from promising to share one photo nude is anyone's guess. Fifty thousand simps or a football stadium full of them paid to see what she promised but didn't deliver. I suspect it was mostly older simps with more money than brains that make so much they are willing to give it away.

10 images licensed and paid for through BigStock.com. All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Background Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by "Videezy.com"

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sauger1001 4 years ago

Sorry simps, but you got what you deserved.

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sauger1001 4 years ago

Still can't find the Tommy Lee/Paris Hilton "video". ????

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Sir_666 4 years ago

These SIMPS that pay for any Nude pics of Bella Thorne or any other female Celebrities are Monumentally Stupid !

Anyone can simply go to online sites like > Cfakes.com < and see/download FREE genuine-looking nude photos of most female Celebrites ( including Bella Thorne ) doing solo nude poses as well as porn photos performing various sexual acts.

Heck, they could even create their own nude photo of their favorite Celebrity for FREE by uploading a photo of any nude female to the site " FaceinHole " , then simply replace the face with their favorite female Celebrity. And with a "FaceinHole's" photo editing adjustment tweaks their photo could look fairly genuine. And if they wanted to perfect the finished photo after they downloaded the final photo they could just slightly and Blur any slight imperfections with any free photo editor. Done deal!

I tinker with Photo APPS and editing so I know how easy the above would be to do for the average person with a few minutes of time to kill. Anyways, Simps will be simpletons. :)

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Freeatlast 4 years ago

On Bit Chute, peoples profiles are now nonexistent and also not being able to comment.
I don’t know what this Is about. WTF?
Many other people can put comments on there, but the regulars are not on there now.

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Sandman 4 years ago

I don't know what happened. It's really dropped the number of views and comments on my channel. Is it on my channel or all of them?

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Coeus 4 years ago

BitChute changed from Disqus to CommentFreely. It generally seems to be a change for the better as far as censorship, but it is a transitional period, with older comments being gone and some issues posting. The comments that I do see are clearly uncensored, but the total number of comments is down. Hopefully this is just growing pains and will be ironed out, since people were clearly not happy with Disqus.

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Freeatlast 4 years ago

@Sandman: It is pretty much on all the channels. My profile is gone. The common sections don’t even show. I tried everything To get my profile going short of just starting a new account. Maybe I have to start a new account. But everybody’s names are used to know are gone, except for a couple.

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csehszlovakze 4 years ago

@Freeatlast: sounds like a bug with CommentFreely. It's not finished but since Disqus banned BitChute they had no other options.

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