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Berry Obamas mother is Swiss!!!!! Oy Vey

237 Visualizações
Publicado em 13 Feb 2021 / Em Filme & Animação

⁣KKK, Ku Klux Klan from Switzerland, Racism, The Heart of Nazism & Criminal Banks

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anonmachina 4 anos atrás


I do not see Israel inviting everyone into their country, yet you condemn the Swiss for ensuring Switzerland is for...the Swiss.

Every country exerts--or should exert--its sovereignty, including deciding if individuals born in another country should or should not be allowed to enter or reside in the respective country, regardless of the circumstances of said individual, regardless of the opinion of bordering countries, regardless of what 'the international community' believes, and regardless of what the political corpse that is the United Nations believe.

All of the eurozone, the U.K., and the U.S. are exhibits of the failed globalist ideology that is 'Multi-Culturalism'.

Experiment Terminated.

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Ray26 4 anos atrás

mother land of both world wars ? they avoided both of them wtf is wrong with you :D?

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Ray26 4 anos atrás

lol this guy is full of shiiit :D

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Ray26 4 anos atrás

they avoided communist , nacis, blm bullshit etc... damn good for them but womans rights fucking them over

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Think or Die
Think or Die 4 anos atrás

It explains a lot actually. Not all of the questions are answered, but it explains some things.

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